
Your Mark is what? (Westlife), you mean the Ireland Mark right? The Irish guy.

You from that country? We have our own star here too. They go to one of this.....concert place to have a concert. I never gone out of my school wall, because there are a lot of bad people as we grew up in the city, they are known as one of those Asian TV - my used to be a bf in drawing. 

That kind of the guys are always the bad guys. And while we were in the social event arrangement, we have this set-up In Class + In the Team+in the Club, we seeing the third boy school. True. I never talk to them. There was a set up, you know that is all the fence wall all around the girls lady school.

So what about this Mark?

You think Mark is hot?

.... We don't actually have that kind of the word here. Hot would mean he is sexy type? I think he is the cute type, no?

You know what I mean. 

oh ~ 

Tell your parents about it. 

I have a lot of the problem on my UB side 60 people there before Westlife shows up. 

Most people taken I am looking like the American Classify. It affects me, I try to look right for that job that doesn't mean I knew clearly how their Kingdom Phylum Family Order Gene Species over the layers of all these...other than TSA or FBI we known today those are already bad enough. I will personally telling you that. NSA. Most of them are bad enough. The police like you putting it down the correct word, I react - such as the NYPD, or Pang's Michigan or Chicago PD. Anything of seeing, I got confused, but one thing i don't get mix up, its those uniform people. I ...don't really know what to tell them, why these classify materials are like that.

And UB none of them are helping their own countries. That is super important that is why that is classify nature. And you cannot keep getting things on the TV monitor, I will tell you that, most of them will tell you that.  But they are not helping their local land, "this things is not local", and every one last them its staring at the wrong things. If they provoking not just me, there is a reason that language is being used clearly. 

So say it again, what is this Mark thing, I cannot understand one word, maybe a lot more like a understanding meaning, you mean he is the singing talent, or clothing, or look, I haven't seen his face for a very long time.

Maybe you planning on talking to him? You mean the first goodbye or the last farewell? Because you have other pop idols in mind?

He is like a ...on the Ireland TV. Where you get this Ireland TV?

Okay, I see....can you imagine another planet has a TV soooo far away, someone on this logo, local, local couch fabric, TV host, kinda of like that nun's TV, but a real TV cable. We have a real TV cable other than that Hailey. They put Russian on it. 

It must be one of these way they produce the TV in the 194 countries are the exactly this fashion of generating a news. We used to have a portal to submit the online news. The production people behind, we volunteer to do that. For the nun's TV.

They use this fabric on the couch color, like...his fabric of suit, I can tell that.


They use the red tile to the background .....

Like the castle next by south, all that? Stoney, or stone is greyish white. Reverence of the church business on the carpentry to the ceiling, those are a particular tin on color to preserve the past history.

The history.

Irish known as the Irish potato, my mother 6, has 5 girls very short exactly almost very identical. 

There is one thorn out.

I think most TV prefers to keep doing this humility running deep. 

This is what we have.

The real TV.

Because Taiwan is small, to this area, they starting to insert some of the European guys. Younger. I seen them. 

It is strange to me, how they coming here to get hired. You would think. So that entire social norm one day, ending up inside the night market. 

But unless you are a lot more carefree, or going on your own like those freedom like.

You will find out one of those social circle.

Except them those Youtuber. Because these are some of the European they mean the business. Not the clown drape dragging drag Queen show. 

You get in trouble with any of the Party here, and that has a name, not just the authority, they are the end of the forever every career, they just didn't see clear any of that. Yet.
Including both their parents.

Shane did some of these Malaysia hotel couch re-decorating the scene before they tour, why don't you talk to Shane, not Mark? Sometimes each of them can be replaced just in the palm of the snap finger. And those people whom done those thing, I will tell you, it was a realistic business, so these back up singers has no meaning in whatsoever Corperation format. Its only Shane exist, not really any of those back-up singer. Seriously. If you choose to talk to them, really, that is not a choice whom you talking to. Never Mark, or the rest of any one back-up singer. They are just the back-up singing, you go on the street, there are the flock of them. Change the plastic, everything looks the same. The penpal name.

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