
Elementary school (here is the names ...)


Westlife - Fragile Heart (Coast to Coast)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k01aOKPhZNw

Elementary School 立人國小:

黃怡萱 (zither), me, her best friend

Middle School 延平中學:

2 and Me (they are best friend), + 蔡心如 ( her mother is the ground 地勤人員 airport)

The Day (NSYNC Pop), Westlife Uptown Girl (Top, Pop behind orange Fire department Material Science and Taipei Tape Water Factory, Water den down stream beaver, plastic recycling, Earth eco-friendly, Underground water, Pipe to that PV and PVC. I was implied to give up the fill-up spot in the gaunrantee high school, I test outside

方慧琳, me + 師大附中 ( Pop ticket party at, 33 girls only co-ed high school)

Reconnaissance Drawing

Math theory, retrospect, logic deduct thesis somewhat theory going back to deduct exam formats.

Geology and Geography (Loving the Silent Tear that material Reptilian, Snake Women legand and myth) 

The Sailor Moon Carpentry Star Boxes (Hand carve ) - Sculpture, a Star Box.

Gym military - Rope

Health Class - Eye exercise

Gym - Soccer (Conan Detective)

Hair change color

The Basketball and Orchestra

Ancient Chinese Textbook (small), drawing. All the drawing. 

Ice (step on ice first time 西門町), wet ice. Or Jumping. (all comic books)

The battery, electricity some science I think. Resistant, Direct or parallel. Perfect Math. Not really high school. Its everything in the middle school.

Shakespeare English drama, making the wardrobe. The hand made.

High School 中山女高

Volleyball Vice 

Westife: More than Words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aipJ6YTf3Pw

Seattle (EF), Evergreen summer camp college, on the moutain hill, cold the morning air. The sunshine. Danny, Howard, someone

Terry and me.

3 weeks (extent 1 more week for the volleyball and the performance to that sign language) to enter Kentucky High School, 1 day before all chemistry English periodic memorize English words. Those are....not words. Those are vocabulary proper noun. Next by Isiah, the football player, home coming King, the quarter back.

The first time speaking English in the real class. I cannot understand anything at all. Their English sentence are every word glues together. The English has not sounding methods up or down. Its flat notes.

UK, University of Kentucky

Adam next by

UB, University at Buffalo

Dean next by

Chess Club: Jonathon President next by (Vice)

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