
Long long time ago, many people with many groups has the war, has the spirits and resistant tiny in rebellion ending up today.

And in that First to the End life....it wasn't just Purna got brought forward.

Your enemy coming forward. And to that every account why the entire public can see it 

How you talk

How you write

How you statement

How you imagine things....

Every citizen in this World, can see it, what I say just so true the End of Time, til when you will be saved, really. Your attitude, your air, your rebellion for the wrong reason, your mouthful jobs tempament, you want me to tell all the guys, all the girls each of your true quality, not just this humility running deep, and that final all results to per showing The One, the Guy, the Past, were....how it was defeated, or failures to every human life lost it.

As long as you willing it.....

Just like your debts, just like the Past, just like the movie. Today you becoming this uncountable mounted obstacles in front of you, you seeing all these as the obstacle in life, the God testing upon you, the Time where not return, the Spell where the wind will?

The End don't last til when the Sun stop rotating, it was the movie saying the Earth, can you see the Sun moved? How nice, and interesting the astronomy facts! Staring the sun never burn, its really how long lasting til you hold.

When the people laughing enough, you see how comical all these tales, I never frown my eye brown by doing so, but nothing yours?

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