
A lot of you girls are going for this Western World guys, meaning the Christian, or the Orthrodox ceremony....whatever the tradition makes you shining to look at it.

Meaning wishing other's well.

Buddhism or this Cult, meaning no thinking inside your brain, just about as void as you ever be, other than those time are 5 names breaking inside the brain space between Time split and thought, now I becoming even more void, and blank in thoughts.

No thinking, not even prayers or wishes, no more well wishes in case you cannot see it through my eyes. This cult or Buddhism Indian or Chinese Buddhism are not meant to wishing you anything well, meaning absolutely zero thinking, sit there mindfulness your own internal equilibrium. 

You want to go and talk about it to someone....whom might have a brain what it means they wishing you all well, and happy, including the current mode of the guys. Most time if you really meant you are happy so you smile, they will be deep down very happy you have that one side one day one 24 hours you are normal to laugh looking like less than the sourful human being.

Don't say ever to be godly...godses.

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