
I have to go to the bathroom. These food are real weight, not scale at zero.....

The women's abdomen has the colon to that abdomen. That man will NEVER comprehend or try to comprehend, how you eating to that poo coming down or digesting to the intestine, to the ascending, transcending or descending colon....its by pressure? Do you know those are the hollow nature its part of that GI track means?

The longer you keep those food especially at those period days 5 days you have? That will be 3 meals you pushing yourself internal. You sure you feeling anything better, or you just really really really wish to poo out the entire internal things? I start at 23 years old, I will be telling you, that is when you have a life force for doing it. 

You need to move your entire internal system nothing but keep the osmosis water, distill water, salt water flush, or you even know Enema, the coffee I heard they doing it in the guy. The accumulation 23 years + 16 years I eat full food, has to coming out of the body, you have no other ways for tackle this very very physical body, especially for the girl. You might even have a body odor. You want to talk about it?

When you finish washing the blood part, you will still have to keep washing the pee part, that is in front of it. Not just your hair dripping all the way to that pinnicle parts. You have to keep washing your entire pelvic waist line, 2 butt, muscle down, dry every parts of it. When I was with nick, I was not that elaborate. I never seen myself behind.

Now I have to dry, hair blower dry, or two legs 夾住 clutch that towel to the my front or the back, for the water to stuck inside to absorb every water. It doesn't matter how I keep washing it or dry it, I will have to pee next time. These things will smell, every bathroom smell.

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