
Again, food for Whom? I may not getting that location, other than the birds say. Because....you normally have to have a right and bigger name to that busienss, how you end up in those building.

You never done anything in life, you imagine you just saying you getting a where office for the location to...?! Copy Machine looking outside the views? 

The boy band, they may just run out of their money I don't even know they are the high tech mock-up, or the real human with the head wrapper, in the green screen. You seen them in the NSYNC video and here the Hallo Kitty the singing booth. I just saying as if they actually exist. I don't really know they exist. I know the UB those faces exist, I even just tell you my facebook link or the Linkedin !

花千骨 23


Like I say the small capital the small business 小資小本, do you have in mind you imagine the money makes the business? I can say I make-up that Small Business Proposal. I have to formulate something out and pay with my pocket. So here is the Question : What is your own hobby?! I cannot just find my own happy hobby, have to go through talking to you all?

你們很奇怪 You are all very strange

我如果是自己上學上課有的中文教育,我不能說我覺得的中國古文做我以為的資本買賣嗎 ?

If I go to the school learning the Chinese /Ancient Chinese Education, I cannot say, what I imagine the Ancient Chinese I "thought" I thought "I thought" its the capitalism business sale in- and out?

You can just read your own textbook, truly, no one says that is not legal, and paying by your own pocket.
你們可以自己看課本,認真的,沒有人說那不是合法,而且是自己的荷包帶付錢的 !

The day you have a problem with the bank only = you asking them to lend you money for something extraordinary you that kind.

直到那一天有問題跟銀行 = 你們詢問他們借你們錢的,運用到 "特別的你"的那一種

Food for Westlife I guess






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