
Again? Yesterday …your original content. No. It’s not called the original manuscript!

A general term. 

Like everyone can have the original content, but not everyone has the original manuscript from Harry Potter. Your content formats does not limited to: mp3, mp4, jpg, PNG, mov…and all these you can converted, so these “media center” UK basement library, you borrow DVD, is one of the formats.

For the librarian we also process micro-film those type of the media outlet. Your creation content does not limited to the visual, visual effect, impaired audio, and what you saying it’s the writing sample parts, so it’s a manuscript like the novelists. 

You finish wandering inside one Barns & Noble yet?

You are in your best manner to pleading in the court or the publisher which kind as of novel you imagine he hasn’t seen or read yet? What kinds of mistakes, sounding the same plots, is that your original works?

Life when you decide something forward

Do you again and again check it = is that something you will be the happiest ? For example, do you have one thing you written very very good at explaining it, very very fluent? In any language to that young guy, young girls, you don’t imagine dating them. You just volunteering that information, because you passing by.

Anything good at the kitchen like how you fix anything or you already somewhere manage a house, someone never took the trash can out?

You want to try which subject heading from you rising your head up bookshelf inside the Barns & Noble?

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