
China has, you know how my dad ends up? Cheap 25 years ago.

Right now he is thin to die, but his entire family are nothing but eating including taken them clients too. I just not sure about the security, those places have the beggars.

When the currency going up, I am not too sure the price. As long as you see the sea + coastline between the sea and Land like David Jones, it’s where all the sea food ends up at the piers. I personally don’t wonder to the sea ports. You like those stuffs enough ? You have to find those places.

101 freezer all you so wealthy design shopping style, it’s a vaccum package, you directly put in your freezer. You getting one of those big lower height freeze things freezer. 

Any alive those 生鮮 has to be washed at that freezer. Because they smell. I don’t do those things, my entire renovation had to smell?

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