
Chinese Women when they get old age, they becoming this Savage. Really.

Too many people for the Holiday Shopping. I told you in front of the Taipei Station, how these girls, every single one of them are walking right on Top of me, in front of the 3 Police.

I told them the Truth, and I say, "I show you." And I almost get bump to not just get killed right in front of their eyes. Can you imagine that?  

In front of the Egon Muller Wine Gifting Wraps, were that Hailey's Dad pay for its dumpling Holiday Gift Shop right now. 鼎泰豐 the known dim sum all places. But their dumplings are on the Gift Wrapping for 5 boxes 300 NT. Want to hear the story? These are the Entry from the Metro or the general public coming in places. This entire B1 = basement are the eating dining area + shopping. 

These are the strangest places they putting the Lemon LuLu in front of ...whatever. If you only know.

So this 鼎泰豐 another side where the Visitor inline, that side, its the Star Bucks.

鼎泰豐                    Star Bucks


                                Today there are 3 huge tall European I think guys standing there.

Wine Place              Taiwanese eating you will all not ever putting in your mouth snacks

The Mc Donald are the very very far, almost toward the end.

Lemon Lulu I think you have pass Mc Donald, on that side you go and see it. Everything funny and strange. They don't walk to see what they put the word on Top, or because they are in English, no one knows what you are doing....

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