
Got back. Its Lucy getting married, Fanny brought her + husband back.

Its for the Christmas Night, we have what place to go to.

Andrew - history major. Its Dec 16th, you all don't know we don't celebrate the Christmas here. It used to be a Known Calendar Day too. I think its the Constitutional....wait. 行憲紀念日 ~ Right, its known as the "Constitution Day".

Constitutional without al.

I told you all that already.

No Background, like Pang's ex bf. No parents, adoption from...no more money too after adoption. Ancient Chinese want to learn? 中衰落 !

Remember that Kingship I say Taiwan, her yellow robe, in that Indian 500 years name first heard of? 

康熙 =Closing all gates

乾隆= That boat photographic memory. The royal librarian.

嘉慶 = with his dad are some kinda of Reinsurance

光 = See that first word? But the real happening in that Dynasty starting to having that Ancient Chinese saying right at the old age of 乾隆 (He has a very rich cabin one guy + this boat Royal Library Famous guy, even on the TV too)




宣統 3 years = 1911

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