
Do I believe what those Dr. Christopher booklet says including the testimony? Yes!

I done it. 

The problem today, you...don't really find the chemist with their hands clean. Most people going to those profession, won't hand up their both hands are clean, not in cooking, not in changing the filters, not in keep wiping everything, and keep the common area clean. I use vingar, not detegent, or Peroxide (Synthetic) or Alcohol (Synehtic).

I have another methods, other than soap, its after all that, I just soak my hands under the facet, keep running the hot water 30 seconds. I don't leave away that facets. 

Most people have no patience, or sitting it down, waiting. Anything waiting, its not workable for any human standard points of view. You don't have those tradition anymore. They prefer you to go to the medical school, You don't make a living with that. The girls will never get up their hygenic standard.  

The water bottle (Coconut those Ode to Happyiness bottle California Organic Store)

That is what you called the bit wet heating methods. Similar to Wet Towel.

When you going on the heating pad, those whomever girls or whom on the jobs, the money little....too dry to the skin.

1) Towel, Bottle, including the water bag, because the water might leaking it out to your skin, so that is not a completely air dry at your back, for saying the women's period pain. 

2) Heating pad, its very very very dry, and people so blind, not to watch it. 

A lot of this body posture, or the body healing, has to be very very very careful with attentive measurement to care, to watch, to see.....every step.

I don't think anyone does this things anymore.

That book if has a military behind. Its true. They dare to using their head promise. It probably won't circulate too far the future, you have no more people doing that anymore. The fashion its fast and go. 

You have the methods, just....maybe the person they should die, so it ends up like that.

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