
๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ“ Do you want to just contact them, might be the agent, the front desk younger than you are. ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ“ Says...."I wish them the Westlife, Backstreet, Boyzone, or NSYNC to know I am in the public space knowing them they are watching me, so I am very stiff becoming more and more"

"I want to tell you, I am waiting and expecting you seeing me on the TV, that is exactly going on inside my mind."

Sometime, if you directly telling the guys, straight at their faces, like they are the dogs to be train, with the language verbally, openly, utterly, loudly saying it in front of their faces. 

"I expecting you having a reaction on your news to how I look great in my Youtube success as all these subscribe only flattern me and worship me, I am marching my way to China. I mean the sponsors, thinking we have a great and youthful faces. Meaning I think I am looking pretty."

These guys need to know, you wished be told, you are pretty.

These guys need to know, you wished be told, you are online because of them.

These guys need to know, you wished be told by them, you looking each weekly with their performance art on the news, its how you all perceive notice, your glorious faces under the Light. You are from the Church that has no name, no title, no history, no background. Where you from?


Extension number? Sorry. The Area code its 802 !

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