
Eradicate ....

Disease in English? Or you prefer to buy a dictionary? 


Technically if you stop eating, to the proper amount, just shut up and breathing through nose, you all MD can just eradicate yourself, out of this zone to create more disease I am telling you.

The cancer 


Its called the cancer cell. The mutation cell. There are inside my book about this process, you saying degrading mutation or upgrading mutation to that new map in that isolation to ALL CREATION in 13 Worlds, in that map, ALL creation has this one thing inside the body mechanism at the "Amino Acid" Level.

DNA makes RNA, makes Amino Acid.

These are the pre-cursor you are making this protein drinks you imagine the sporty whey protein my brother used to working at. Those are the supplement. 廢話

The supplement its for what? Nourish you, nurture you, nutrition you. 

All the mediciine given you from the hostpial, they are synthetical purely chemical compound, there is no fruits or veggie in it. Its a purely chemical process in the most mechanical process, meaning no Sunlight converting to energy to the Green Leafy, or Cows, or simply the fruits underground the roots like the carrots.

Or else that entire hospital business will be bankrupt!!!

Anyway....Its "Without me" the scenario. No juicing idea. 

Or With me (The chemists only, Pharmaceutical / Pharmacy / Medicinal Chemistry )

As a Women

You should constantly taken the warm water, to your entire body temperature will never distribute right in that continental weather anything above certain latitude.

Quit eating, soaking in the Warm water, and keep your conscious clear inside the bath tubes, and get out, in half hour. You cannot but watch yourself what you do, so those things will never end up in the textbook to save any human, I am telling you.

Anything boiled are a procedure to? Get rid of the germs, really.

The Temperature in the guys and in the girl utterly, totally different

Disease = low temperature, very very low immune system response, you feeling dead, and you are. On the girls side scale.

Singing is not good, but...to that Breath of God, if you withdraw enough, that can build on, the today's singing melody they teach you its at the stomach, I cannot do that. Chest reasons, my skills are from the throat, not the lips.

The girls need to constantly keep warm 4 limbs end, no matter what. The moment you seeing that off the temperature, you have to be inside the warm/ Hot water. Just getting the entire temperature back, you will realize how you sleep at night. You won't be dead because the 4 limbs withdraw the chi flow without the temperature (cold feet, cold hand), but if you are maintainese the temperature manually.

Manually before you go to sleep, that entire 4 limbs situation and your entire muscle relaxation like Eben those saying, it will not so affecting you, you shrink inside your bed, the entire 4 limbs are constantly icy....

You need to stay inside the warm water, until I say, Always have the 4 limbs ends warm. 

You live in the water.

Its how your throat response, at the temperature going down, your body will response, you have no other choice mechanism other than that one = most women situation. 

Your internal organs are mostly on the upper body, not the uterus, that is not the organ, that is hollow structure, the outskirt wrap around, that is the cavity I was talking about it.

Your body has to tell you, you are about to die, or infected....because of that 4 limbs ends temperature are withdraw so much right at your heart center. Your heart cannot fail the temperature response, you might have a lower blood pressure, if you don't eat a lot.

That entire combination situation its your heat withdraw the last step must at the central Upper body, these are your entire organs must exist forever reason...if you supply the water heat from the 4 limbs, you will not easily having the body to throat at = the only method will be your throat got infected and telling you.

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