
Tonsils 扁桃腺

That will be the only most visible response center to your entire body

1) the temperature fail at the women 4 limbs.

2) Your nose failed the nose hair doing, you keep drain out of your chi in the upper body, your lung are not breathing, you talking your mouth open, you breath the air not at the lung level, its at your stomach, they don't process the oxygen in your stomach. Your lung do not have Oxygen, you will have the entire ciruclaiton that red blood cells does not carry the oxygen to the brain.

Your brain dead, your organs dead, = the heart failure, the kidney, the liver all failure.


When God telling you so in the Bible

You better listen, no matter what that suppose to be, you women are nothing better speices....no matter what. You can just take over this one area, cleaningness, get back to your brain never losing that reality "Line or square", a basic eye fix internal frames on square youtube, Safari, browswer, or Ms Word, to per ink of these reading words, are forever inking inside your eye frames, never magic to start....witch crafts.

That early termination, its Bible God says, you just assuming, there is no where else to be found, you are the reason to be found.

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