
I cook something. The noodles. I think we have a different views. You hate this guys, if they are older. If they are younger, there is nothing else got better.

So the Asian girls like the Asian guys? Or that options of the white or the tall Asian guys are not available? You didn't understand some guys didn't mean dating on purpose, you mean the clientale, to your career goal, that would be those Dolphin sound girls from China, that meet Simon Cowell at the stage. I don't know behind.

Simon is the known TV producer.

oh ~me I would not do that. uh....certain field didn't lack jobs, including that chemistry hidden tape water factory or the Underground water system data places. Not just the material science. But the girls if you can just be home, homey, homeopath, just warm / hot water, stablize someone, because you wish that someone well, and you yourself well. And that has to be a guy?

You prefer a girl?

Its not one fhose Tina jojo means, just the eye sight how I look at you, are wrong 10 thousands? 

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