
I teach you one time, the browser? I used Firefox, so I won't be telling you what is the most organizing methods you did on your computer, the moment you turn on that PC.

For me, I have a run schedule, so those quick links, or tool bars, or including all your comic books, I am bookmarked them. Including some IT article, some tricks and treats things? You know I had a video on that....wait.

I only give what you need....the rest I am not too sure where everyone is all focus on the different things, I won't be knowing all that.


I evolved !! By the way....not that messy.  I create a folder style 2021, 2022. All my website putting under it. Because my current works, does linking to this NASA. I have them bookmark that one article, I sometimes sneak shot at them. What they up to? 

When you create a folder name on that tool bar "2021", that is as small as you written "2021", but if I create a NASA link, that is as they written it with their Favicon on Top. My entire peripheral has only them and Linkedin. You can change that name. You don't have to use the default. 

Let's say....

I will tell you, the life to balance would be, 1) you get a job outside 2) you also learning your PC learning methods.

When I was with nick those time, I had a CADS tutoring 2 years + the Librairan Intern (free + Library Stock shelfing (real paying jobs)

Or Erin UB Ph.D (paying jobs)

That kinds of ideas that you constantly something hopeful at your paper file-ing learning behind with the IT skills, its not all friendly if you saying I staying with that nick, let's say I finish that Erin's Ph.D assistant living, that is 3 facility, you seeing people, I interview them. 

They willing to participate, so there are the questionaires to orally relate the English to them, and them we watching them playing that Wii Board. These entire running around the floors between the space, how you don't stuck yourself inside one room = I only had one room, the living room with a patio. Yeah, with nick that is front water scene, a deck, a front yard, and a house living room my offices at. 

Your entire personal space, let's say I told you Family Farmville has a casibo, that will be near that tree in front of my house (306 sundown, Flower Thousand Bones Tree), to that one yard I did to make the stone pretty look, and I live in the dumpster.

Your entire personal space, if you are not doing well at the beginning the financial statues, I suggest you having that movable, just for you to imagine something bigger later on. You need the space, so I walking 4 blocks to the park. I live in the park, I live in the library, these entire space all around, its my stuffs. You don't pay at it, but you having that space with you.


That entire situation after Erin 2012/ 2013, its her pilot study (50 Shade of Grey), like the airplane, they called it the "Pilot study" in the Ph.D program. UB Nursing Ph.D South Campus.

We didn't do the 3 facility at one shot. It almost take one entire semester to do 3 facility, or 2 facility combine?! Well, that I told you I graduate from UB Winter 2009. I gone back to Tawian Feb 2010 - Oct 10th, 2010, coming back to pay that FASFA off, remember?

So Erin gives me that jobs, just the same time she coming back from California back to the UB. It just happened. She has no idea what is in the Ph.D Nursing. She took me with her friends, that is how the Tim Cook stuffs ends up there.

There is another China Olympia math team, a guy in it. She didn't marry to that guy, she has to flying around to find her soul mate like the Match.com or e-harmony one of those. China has....I forget what they have, so Erin is connecting to this China entire show, or jobs searching, or what TV they got, including that Taiwanese Association mailing lists in UB.

She didn't live too far away from me, I told you I ask her landlord to pet my pants? probably30 of them. From the garbage dumpster, California Seeding.

That is 2011 I did the Love of Century Feb, to Summer, the gallbladder stone you see. Her semester started...not sure when, we work until 2012, I see Berny once, 3 months after summer, approaching to Dec 21th 2012, remember? I lay out everything.

Feb 2013, I borrow from Erin's electronic piano + James Horner's music sheet, I change probably one notes on the left hand, you know, 20 years I never touching a piano, everything require to shape up. Then I did, including reviewing that music sheet. You use pencil doing that. In the Yard.

Meaning at this entire time, I had a paycheck 2011 Fall semester to 2012 Ending.

2013 I start running after the Farmer's Market with Alyssa Dimitri, I sold my Glow to Go things. Tiny bit money, so I land in Tina's apartment, to meet Charlies, finish the protocol, by Oct moving out of the NYC, to this Tina never ends things.

I met Sayers, the bio things.

Then I got to Simon/ Keanu at March. (Because Lauren has to deliver the kid, that is the audition 1 week before, Simon is not there) From March, that is when my Google+ running the full year on the movie = real.

This entire thing, I didn't have those year empty in my resume, if you reading it. I meant the real money paycheck, you are affiliate some real building structure, you are not so out of the world. You connecting to the real human sense, or you trying to listening to Simon's 1000 video, what they looking for, so you aiming at it. 

No response ...I was so in hurry, because Tina just say goes. I cannot understand him Simon the second video did what? I don't have time to think, I just roughly film another video sent in. By the third to sent in, I already have to be in NYC talking to Charlie. You have no ideas, when I have no time, I cannot understand why he did get the material?

Because I have zero time, I start to keep bumping on him. My money runs thin. That is 1000 dollar to Charlie, 3 times I pay at it. 

How come this Simon didn't receive, or what happened? There is no response.

When that Harry Potter becoming true or I Ching message, again, there is no response !!! (2014).

I didn't imagine really I am that Tesla, but by my calculation to everyone I see, I even told him Simon and Keanu on the Google + Westinghouse tale to Sarah Berhard. .....still, no reaction, no response. 

My calculation going by its 1900 entire front to the back. I told them the same story so many times.

Again, no reaction. 

I don't have time to waiting on him, I need my money? So I was in Tina and Hank new house, I start on the Iphone to calculation, that is how those Earthquake time comes, a whole list of sheet of it. 

Forget about Simon, what I gonna do?


You living in the real life, meaning the money required. Its best you didn't loosen the environment, the networking, the building structure, how you enter some field, that connects to some real people. Like a correct attitude, you approaching the subjects.

When I come back to Taiwan, I still went out and do what I need to do = my mother told me.

But then I continue that I Ching, I know where to research, or looking at? The University. 

You constantly built a communication to the 

1) Real people.

2) Really receive that money, whatever you create.

3) University its an entire system to the academia world

You will feel a lot of difference when you talking to the real people. Like before 2013, I gone to UB 3 or 4 department secretary at the front desk, and I meeting the professor, so many times. I bike to the UB that time. Its cold.....

You don't lose that information, why you just clutch on the Internet? I am not too sure that routes. You need to arrange your time, seeing the real people, not the social occasion.

The real professional people, they got hired, and their paycheck are so stable those. You will feel your future has some guidance. 

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