
If you want to stream that thoughts...then I tell you what is you saying the Original Creator such as the Movie Producer, the Movie Writer, the Publishers (they also writes too)

The Writers Digests. Like you are not immediately saying you going into the Book Business, but you testing the water to see that environment, then what your comptiting to that writing, its what gets you the most attention, you then selling that content creation to the Movie Industry to becoming a movie, or the related Christmas Franchise like Harry Potter within that Barns & Noble, New York City, every visits or tourists very very often step in for something. They didn't have to buy the Harry Potter only, but that Franchise lasting about 20 years never die out.

So those human from the University environment / schooling, will be like Pang my brother or Silas. Its sounds small tiny things on the resume = you write for the School Newspaper. But for Silas their entire offices set at night, its Mon, Wedn, and Friday, me and Dean or Bill or Patrick waiting that Dr. T class outside on the bench, Dean will have a copy of the newspaper. I pass by the students union or lunch time, passing by Melinda, I may already reading that news, not limited to Silas.

Therefore, when you imagining how you reading a resume when you recruiting, or how these Writers Digest will be recruiting, you will have the school newspaper prints your photo, your sample writing including how many copy you sent in the University Newspaper, printed on their logo, on the dates, on the years when that publication you combine with that University Spectrum Offices, their job delivery rate. 

The original superman, has a guy or a boss, the journalists, including the Slam Dunk, 彥一 has a sister to find where the Shando at. Because the journalists are train to find out where the news are. Not by ability, by going into the circle of the different mingling occassion, many will be the Upper class, or the Political reigne, that got shifted, got influenced by what those Congress focus their attention at. Because the citizen like the potlics, they participate heavily in the America. Us here in Taiwan, I rarely even seeing human other than my sky, I just randomly if things coming in my vision, I tell you. Or I used to always been told, long time vision, one of those? Then I read on the news, or on the internet, still not very register, what did you say America? Because I haven't really seeing or hearing one single human talk about it. I cannot tell the effect. I just given you the information.

These are not the original content, or the content creator. 

When you saying the original content, well, you don't copyright everything you written, that is why it talks like that. But in the public general mass, the universal speaking idea. Its your delicate works, it belongs to you. You don't pay those patent annually, for writing a newspaper? Most people are not supposed to copy paste your Original Content, that is what it means. Plaguism included, how your material got into those Ph.D thesis book.

They are on the Third Floor Capen. Very thin Black cover books. You almost thinks they are useless in life. There is no meaning in it. They are all the Ph.D students thesis before they graduate from the Ph.D program. 

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