
If 亞斯 says killing you all girls all of it …that’s gun exacuation - you won’t even have one reaction of it. (白色圓舞曲 01)

You don’t use your brain. I sleeeeeep for a very long time, when I woke up the years shift !!

Tell me how you flat to the guys whom has the money? He has to beg you ? That’s …how Tina’s novel teaching her show Hank a dog name mokie ! But Tina might be so conditioned ! You want others to begging you …day 1 starting games called Hard to Get, with the dignity that you will. Not I am that I am, it’s that Will you will. 

1) Try to eat a meal in front of a guy normally - if it’s 9 +1 guy. 9 you girls, one guy.

2) plaguism….the more news I read, the more I will tell you. You don’t know what’s a plaguism ?

3) Most Asian guys are small tiny mind, small heart, small calculator on math. Tiny brain with the eyes glasses and they all looking all about the same to me.

4) If I keep repeating the female jailed inmate, it’s a proper noun. A professional terms. The ending results.

5) If the comic books are exactly the reality happened to the future not the present validate, it’s EVERY Participant their subjective views how you seeing each other pockets on the money and guessing it.

6) A normal TV guy will have at least Western world education K1 to K12. Meaning how far that traveling high school girls friends don’t end up traveling to FEMA camp. You know what I mean? All their perfect illusion. 

7) Meaning they just be that stupid per dollar sits til 65 years old it’s possible starting young ends …penniless. It’s a known tale, not heard enough saying. 

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