
If you saying the police jobs...to the finding reports behind....that might also be the police reports, its how ilegal or situation got worsen. Freezing to death, no electrocity, no food.

Its because you didn't save the money when you are young.  Let's say even if you die young, you earnestly only make money with the right sense, it still much better than you imagine you have a sense...you know what I mean? You just die young, not living very long. 

They listing things one to 10 thousand what not to do. They don't need to tell you why that is bad, I just cannot stop vomiting the day I coming down the 101, finding a police station, not walking in even, throw up on their stair front.

So that saying Europe are cursed, starting that England, to how war, or freezing temperature including immigration Romanian enter Italian. They move out of there. 

I will tell you those ending up situation are the every Friday Night the Police report, everything on that TV, saying they vola, or making a claim, they are the paper made human. They are the indoor pet. They cannot cope in life, not tiny bit. The day if you really finding it out....the day you really know that is whom they are, shattering the eye side every 2 seconds running in and out, they cannot cope anything, like packing food, traveling, or taking care a diet, very rough on affection but in the business. I am so sickening of it. 

And people putting up a fake idea, I just keep vomiting every degree of it.

You have no ideas what you done to me.

Not since Europe its gone...W Two worlds, that is even worsen than anything you ever imagine, ending up on the Nibiru, or the Dark Star by High Tech.

Within the culture itself, you are saying those Purna's past husband. Those are exactly dense, dull, boring guys. If she cannot stand that, I sometimes pitch 2 cents, she might be right. Stand on her ground. 

You have to last a job, in order not to sleep on the street, I am telling you about million times, finding a correct job, and make a living. NEVER NEVER imagine a falsehood, and that goes to your Bible stated it in the End time. 

I don't know the gays guy or the girls are both psycho, drop the jobs, and run off the romance in the airplane like Square, you will sleep on the street one of those days, because you are super inresponsible to anything in front of you, your eyes sight are filled up the tears, and you bring disease and dismay to anyone around you. Mostly i found out a lot of the girls becoming the criminal.

I am so screaming inside out. Its called the Female Prison inmate, I start seeing these jailing guy movies or the Mental hospital movie. I never never never looking at them. Or I never seen the women in it. There are gazillion things went wrong in my perfect life, I used to sleep through. Its badly badly affecting me. I will just tell you stop doing that.

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