
In the upper world, there are so wealthy, and millions of billions times of those money, because they live very very very long.

They may NEVER required to cook one meal anymore. You are a guest from the Earth. You going there to eat? Like me...already don't eating much in front of that 亞斯. He may know or he may not know by then, how I show up? 

On this Earth, that options are NEVER NEVER NEVER there, no matter which billionaire statues, are exactly those Forbes telling you. Not unlimited tale. The guys are the worse in their brain to the math, becasue it was a very hard labor jobs, or what 24 hours working time, to figure it out the money making, and you eating away your health, your breath, your parasite issues with his money, you imagine you are his God. Whatever this sexual appealing, you meant you are not a psycho to him.

Per dollar, per dime in America, that goes on that food weight, you seeing the scale in America, I don't know if that exists in Europe, you knowing how they label by per 100 gram, or what pounds, or that same to here Taiwan, the Chocolate mass?

How did you pay the end, until you get to the cashier, or you knew what you weighting on that scale, and math in your brain what the label telling you?

If you care about this European culture, that is ....might be gays all the way like that Ku, from France. To me that is only despair their underground to how everyone end, and they say they exist.....my forehead blacken never ceases.

You knowing the European height guys? I heard they are very very tall. Dean is much much taller. The 5 guys I telling you from UB, they are super tall. Except Seth or Lee, everyone else are 6 feet above. 

That is ABOVE + saying the scale, because that is a State School.

You want to go forward your....mind power inside, outside, opening up your mouth, how you approach your methodity, to these guys? They seeing enough of me every single day talking about the same garbage stuffs, seeing the same photo, they don't feel I mean I meant there is nothing but junks thing all around.

Polish your manner, your language, your degree or maturity. You are not happy in life, and somehow these guys becoming your attention, to other people seeing you as a focus attention. You like that. You didn't feel you have an existence values, remember?

My brother only til here until Sunday. Any one word from you?



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