
Let me try again. If....you never imagine you gonna move to Taiwan, you gonna stay in America as long as you shall ever live.

You need to drive a car + the car insurance + the Oil money (gasoline so high)

You need to back up the food in your house, if you getting the big basement, or someone your church helping you to relocate for their reason its to = having the guest, the meeting, raising kids. Not one person pleasure to 6 months later disappear and vaporize. At least that is their intention, your freedom how you saying you are....you without them coming to Taiwan that kind? 

The weather will be a factor.

With the guys living like me Anna only done 8 years, half time I am in the US + UB school never seen the guys. But to our household, he had a family, and so a lot of things as the family guy to start. We have the same meditation background or the beliefs. 

1) Back up food, Blanket, Electric Blanket, Heater, Freezer, Kitchenare. (I use his, or mine are he just took it and use it.)

2) You need to preserve that housing. It will never be like Taiwan, that market doesn't go on investing like Canada. Very small change.

3) Tax very very heavy.

4) You need to focus your existing marriage to make it work. Family will have the kids, kids growing up the one extra socks, one pair of extra shoes, backpack, lunch food, lunch boxes, Towel, washing in washing out. Every Calendar you teaching the kids tradition or you reading the story to them. Not just born them and drop them.

5) When I was with nick, I told you, its I pay my half. There are a lot of the trips money disappear.

6) You need to have a hope with your future, not insane imagination. Having a real backup plan, whatever that backup plans talking to someone. My backup plan were never the guys, not really. It was my work, I just cannot get it through. He makes my life like a hell.

7) You need to follow some local American this 401 K. Even my brother done it. He only listening to the money talks. You have both the medical health package avaliable + the 401K, like....I don't know what you do, you can keep saving, your parts, or you saving some money for the kids, for the husband parts.

8) If you never come back to Taiwan, if you really really just decide that. Might be for the church, might be your parents you grow up in America, never never never my order, here Taiwan. You must thinking how in-land America, you survive constantly living with the idea making the money. Because Taiwan we have more help from the near by. They are more local friendly, less than this Competitive American Capitalism, no one can breath. Everything is super expensive and heavy tax. Here the salary small, so I telling everyone how I survive, and including the proper attitude and skills you must acquire -scientific, hygenic, informatics, invention, innovative.

American didn't say how innovative you saying to invention something like Edison. That is not American doctrine idea. But it was my world here the doctrinate world. One Patent, your whole life dream fullfill. I actually knew that. But to file the patents are very very expensive. 

You need to figure it out that Silicon Valley, because I didn't really move over there in America. I don't know what they really do.

9) You need to carry the vocabulary and the conversation to the guests, to the associate, to the groups, to anywhere you future you set your life, how to approach 40, 50, 60...to retired. 

10) Meaning you hope now you talking to the guys, if you are all already separate in that sense, there is no EVER LIVE AFTER.

You need to always prepare your life with someone else near by including your parents, that will be your real husband, not bf. not classmate. You considerate for others as you doing that teaching from your own Bible, so you working hard with or without the weekend, no matter what.

11) I never own a home in America, so you need to be attentive what Anna I found out, its free information for everyone.

12) You need to continue making the network connection, the social friends circle to get your deal going through, your career. You cannot wait to get fired at the age where 50 years old. Even the guys know that might happen for real. You cannot wait until that moment. You need to constantly looking for the wealth manner, rise high your living environment, saving saving saving.

13) I left this junky SMCH, but I will finish those garbage stuffs as we move that far ahead this 40 years things, they hear, they don't hear me. That is I born with that jobs I guess. Same to you, if you decide....whichever future you want to, you intend to, or you already have something similar in your life, you delicate to that cause, you wish to make it more business, more friendly, more approachable, more what, I have no ideas what you do behind. All you girls have this bigger, grander, never failed plan in life. As if you are too perfect to be true. Everything gone through fine. Life is not like that.

14) If for any reason, you mean you have a real life household you bind to, NEVER NEVER these guys to mix up the music world, you like them, not you gonna house them, or whichever their gossip hurting you - including you accepting all that. 

You suppose to decently telling them, you never read their pages anymore, you need to focus on your works, and your guy, your friends, your moving the World to Kick everyone out world, including the military, if that is one person job. What you doing things for fun, not behind their back.....because I am telling you, the guys hate about anything you do on purpose like Ola those evidently on the TV or the movies. They will sue you to death, if you hear don't hear, whatever they imagine that is the movies saying about you, or they already know that.

I hope you knowing that "Close the Gate", because you delicate to that choice of your marriage long ago, not that you committed to this one guy, or any of the rest of guys supposed to be more useful than your own guy, in your own words. 

15) If your guys telling you, or you just feeling your gut, that binding is dismissed, or the court like I say, your freedom is ready to take off...your plan next?

16) Every guy = you back glue at all. Don't make me say the second time. Never that One Direction they are on drugs about to die every last piece of them.


You need to find some decent your kinds, your style, your height, your perfect 1+1=2 friends like Karen and Adria. That is how they were buddy together to end up on the TV.

Groups your own happy girls world, whichever you had more upper hand right now, a lot of people don't have some saving or situation improve on the money rather than the high debts in the academia world costs them. Same to the same age guys. Like I had collected all the UB facebook guys. I tell them the plan, that doesn't mean I can deliver that.

The guys don't have the good mood. Even your debts gone, you need to create the stream of the income, that income, and saving its your only future at all, whatever that is.

Not pressing me Anna moving everyone to another world. That giant rocky stone on my head.

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