
Being judgemental to any limitation its not a very kind gesture you are the better race, so you have a faith, so you have a church with the Tax bracket, understand?

You can just say to the court, you wish not to endow this anything seeing to everyone = Drop your parents + brother, for they were born as my burden, just seeing, hearing, belieivng, were all my vent, so it becoming like this evidence truth. You want your one person apartment getting the jobs anywhere you want, with the faith and the deliver rate to that vow, you must shorten your height, without Zawanna...its you faith at Buddhism, never this family tradition were never diverge your mind thinking long long long time ago.

You wish them well, but you wish them to stay away from you FOREVER. That anything defect, its a shame on me. My face its way too perfect, the height its everyone wants, everything its I am that I am.

Say that to the court. 

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