
My aunt is DKNY, I been there once. Just like you mean you seeing that Devil Wear Prada. The guys many are gays including those Simon saying it very very clear and loud.

And Europe its where that end road meeting the End. Both the guys and the girls. Taiwan we pass the laws. There has nothing to do with the faith or the cultural situation. Its you choose your sexuality including you can date any many people as you ever wanted. 

In my high school, that Torus is both.

The minimum requirement I almost flat the entire world with it, its the normal guys mostly cannot be dead, other than the real criminal like those Tamang.  Because you have a very very serious issue in front of me, near me I can see these things.

The Liberation of all your Women Right

I don't even know how to comment this anymore.

Japan has many comic books, including some I never told you, I might know the name.

There will be the blonde, or the taller guys race entering these pure girls school setting, or the schooling setting, most time are the schools you having all these family drama, or sibling, or bf or gf brainwashed. Its always the girl and the guy.

I am not American.

No matter how I look like. And I NEVER is the European. Don't talk to me why I have anything to do with them.  The reason you don't hear those comic book names because I don't like the drawing or I stand in front of the bookshelf for a very very long time, to select only certain books. Never all you ever read the books.

I only care about certain things with the right concept in life included.

Those culture like American, or the European Blonde race included you seeing this Slam Dunk OVA, extra episode. Not just your American fashion culture its different than my professional attire really.

You are plain.

In these book, I might really I glimpse a page or 2.  Until I met this Zawanna human....or Kail, or whom they say they are European from. They are all should be dead.

Unless you are more co-ed school, including you as a girl walking to the interaction where the guys can see you, you pimpo your faces to standing there talking to the guys when they coming - to the Corner. That is how that name ends up on the Wallace Sword fight world 笑傲江湖

I personally don't know how I should be saying anything about these comic books. They used to be a better bigger full room rental agreement binds to read books there. Now you can just read on-line.

I am looking at the comic books

2 arms in the water bucket? 白衣羅曼史~ 03

Something happened with my 2 arms. I keep to washing this 生理食鹽水 not the Water. They keep mode up, or ink up, or small tiny dot up, the surgery on the left hand. Its the right hand forming a triangle.

or 4 = 菱形 including the bug bites. I putting a lot of the pain killer patch on it. The hospital across, they are cheaper. I know where I need to get, no, not water.

Both my middle finger, 2 palm "back", so you know how that Romance Journey first girl, her finger ring, that was a bump? Now there are 2 middle finger on my hands back. Both has the ink, like old people get ink on their faces?

So horrible whatever my both arms are looking like.

1 on the left middle hand back, 3 on the right middle hand back.

I didn't tell you why the hospital I like to go often...with the cheaper Asia here I know safe situation. They have some beauty device by now, another 30 years passing. I will pay and use them. To get rid of the every small tiny dot per price.

You girls have this you don't make money, and you don't preserve your skin. I don't know how well the other world really is, or ever be for real, we going that way. Meaning...you will be more humility running deep, because that reality, they are more wealthy.

On that same right hand, at the first finger, its a May Taiwan National Flower, except, its dots like 11 dots. not just pentagon looking. How do I get that? Very very small tiny.  More like I itchy, I scratch, and they broken up, and it becoming like this.

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