
Someone cut their body parts, or meditation, or acetic world...that they given their entire life for you all sentient being a value.

Therefore I baby you like you exist for 2 mins. To me, you absolutely have no meaning, i contempt your existence one to zillion. Why you don't breathing? Understand?

When they given that to the 5 Lords review...so that you can licking each other Samsara for the next 400 years life, at least trying to be little bit high tech life, shine-ing, spotless, cleaninig, metalic sleek, better clean uniform, sleeks mean absolutely professional, and deliver that jobs results. 

I do not care whom you are, what you are, not even one second linger thinking, you imagine a hurt, a heart cut, a linger....that will be absolutely the most extreme punishment from me to you = you all girls forever and ever do not exist one second breathing in my life. FOREVER. Got it?

You are coming to this great wonder perfect outside world, they will have their low standard how they treating me like standing on your side, why you have a reason to vent, if not this American court cannot sort at the local.

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