
No, you girls literacy just overall increasing higher. First, you will feeling more happy. You didn't know how happy you will truely be. The general mass of the guys will be happier, if you two just carried a normal professionalism conversation, other than Sex, whatever you imagine the Night falls.

You give yourself some time between 1000 years, to shape up that literacy, you don't care how far the guys left...you can meet any kinds of the perfect guys, that one day, you decide to get the sex education = when you finding it out, what is your true happiness when you getting

1) Very stable job,

2) Revered, or respected profession

3) Money and collaboration from the higher society

4) Participating like more Higher Classify, sorting the society, the common goods for the public interests included, the citizen, or the hospital alike.

5) You can lose every guys before that 1000 years as long as you finding out what the democracy given you the choice = when you experience something, with that money in your hand, what do you really like to continue to do. I never say you go lower on the sex talk. I say your happiness you will find out your own future, that time, you given yourself Time at that time, you will remember, that choice you make today to that day, you given yourself enough break, and time, and space to tolerance yourself mistakes until you decide what happiness you mean the most for yourself. That is the democracy means. I always saying that. 

When you arrive to 6) The higher evolution of the Upper World, meaning high tech.

You will have a choice of producing the kids, Some of you like that, when you one day, not care how bad that kids are, your faith, and your education you can modify that one kid's entire behavior, you starting to blend into those society standard of the belief system

I personally telling you, I FOREVER ETERANL, hate kids. I don't want to produce kids, not to the guys, not to me. I don't care if they die in 2 days. Its called the Plan B. I don't think the guys like any kids. No matter what evolution that goes up.  I will tell the guys to go to hell, not me doing anything to change any kid, for saying...any paper advocating any culture. I have no culture. I killing human no mercy? I have no compassion for anything like that. 

Any virtues idea, I don't care about it.

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