
oh That is what it says, Mark?!


Its a little bit strange. I can tell you, I cannot understand it at all. The later parts.

That is 2015 time.

I told you, its 17-25 years old their brand new worlds, for their age or before 30 years old. We are too old ! To be on any cover page paper. Seriously.

The real power are always in the teens. That is the older people they get, they move to this reading the paper like the Governmental has an age limit when you want to becoming somebody. That is a real Age limit before you becoming that.  I keep saying that, didn I? 

So like a law librarian whom are a lawyer, in his own private office writing a book, let's say just a freedom anyone doing things in their free will. That is one career, you stay away from the public sight. Its a quiet profession. You always meant the sounding not too loud, no one gets a life.

The Law Librarian

Needs to be a real Bar Exam. Once you being exam you see if you becoming a lawyer and you start practicing the law. You can practice the law in the local, in the firm, in the academia field.

My UB law professors, they have their own law practices. Its a real practical person in front of you. That is what I understand, I never look up. I think that is what they did. My class are only 2 laws class can be taken by the hobby in UB. They only offer 2 classes for random the law book flip and open.

Most people I acquire where they say they are practicing the laws, the way I seen them, its a real profession, nothing like the UB I EVER imagine to see MD 6+1, at all.

So when I enter the Librarian Science Class, we have too many options, I cannot understand anything. But one of the route separate from us, its the Law division that their MLS has to be in the law school degree combine.

As a girl, you will NEVER make it in the BAR exam, or the real graduate school. The chess match I meet a guy, he told me he burn out. That was when Tamang was there. And you have to go on the legal court to defense someone, your brain does not have the confrontation speech eloquent, you don't have your temperament built to stand in the court, and for sure most of you I imagine you are supposed to be the First Native English Speaker at all.

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