
You probably didn't see a thing on the right side column....or any word I say, the military meant you bow, kneel, flat copy everything I learn, know, and becoming will be the only thing you becoming....you girls don't have any other options.

Anna I telling you that MLS is not a degree, don't require a brain to finish it. 

But...you will have your verbalroal to becoming of something else. You don't know what is that photo on the right side column, or you imagine any guy wondering what you stood with what degree makes a difference, in any gossip norm?

Let me try again.

1) Reference Librarian (behind instant message librarian)

2) Meta Data librarian (I never told you) / Cataloging librarian, selecting any book coming in the doorway, I never check on the Simon Cowell, he was in the public library. Not sure the UB

3) The Instructional librarian / IT oriented, showing Web 2.0 concept = One classroom 50 computers.

4) The science librairan

5) The Special library librarian

6) Archivist

7) Corperate librarian

8) Business librarian / all of them make up the Academia librarian

9) The Law Librarian / Its the Law School + MLS combine

What does the law librarian do?

The law cases are their own database itself. Their entire system of their own, because its every domestic lawsuits going in, including the international I guess. You have the civil law cases, or the murder trial. Either nor.

So you technically saying you will be researching alone staring at that PC in the library yourself, or you asking the paid lawyer they doing that for you. In order to win your cases. Whichever your family law cases, when you get married. Anything in that complication, you have to go to the court, or arbitrary to settle.

I can file the lawsuits, that does not mean I pay in advance. But to the real procedure, that American guarantee transparency, to the democracy values, if one lawsuit sustain, it will be place under the same searchable law library database. Its not by this number. I have no idea if they just make a brand new database will sound right to me, nothing but the movie situation. Name, faces, ID cards.

The Future might be just 1-2 years, to 3-5 years

You realize its better than anything to sound like the Princess Serenity issue. Anything but that TV idea.  A real profession. Even the guys having a profession will sound like a professional people.

You are under the democracy world, I will suggest to follow this world laws, as the respected citizen. I believe you won't be wasting your years, or imagination at all. The public service, or the guy if they find out that is what you did behind, to imagine things other than to establish a proper career. They already give up on you, to really realize that day on.....you really just chasing the windmill idea.

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