
The Book writes, are like the university peer reviews article. Some you seen them in the magazine Nature?

The entire Professors brackets are all writers. Including the weekend, they reading everyone else's paper and coming out of some time urgent solution to their ideas brain storms how to run a lab. 

You have to deliver that jobs - Research a Scientific procedure how to get the A to Z. But last time I am telling you one full article how many time. By now...you already forgotton?

You ever considering more this Military Official

They are very occupied by now. Someone a little more authority, not bad eggs, because...you learning certain things from them. No matter what results of that, you endow some nature, don't just mix up with everyone else doing this Princess Serenity stuffs by gambling because that back end road are short run exit.

Most American or the European, they are democracy endow, meaning they protest to advocating the voice out, but now someone wants to take it Self interest, how far you willing to go really. 

One weekend, see ever, one Saturday or Sunday, just hoping, wishing, praying that methods out, there are decision making of the next 20 years, if you were another Adam Davis and that junction....seeing 2 more Adam.

The military internal, those guys have to put up a face, never never yelling at you.

But while you are nothing close to the military, for saying a dignity ++, 3x, 4++++...the outbound guys, have no shame talking, whether they making it, or they are born to the family, or whatever leads them having a more upper hand, in your school you never find out, or in front of you like this Cooking lesson. I am not sure ....

If you want to running back and forth the PC. Its per time washing in the bathroom, that is the soap smell on the keyboard, dry on the towel, like unconscious act.

Its going in the kitchen per sight, there is a stair.

You touch a specular, or scooping water 勺子, you touch that base, you still washing your hands when you just never touching the steel, or the 4 stoves switch in Asia. We use the gas, not the electric like the American. With the sun coming in, you gamble, you seeing that flame, its the window open, or close, the wind too big, or you are not paying attention you running in and out, how the wind blows, the birds SHut up!! never end?!

I already tell you, you all hating cooking. Coming to Asia with the small money will sound the perfect life, you have a room of your own, to how dirty degree or just sandle, just night market real human massage, or nail service, or hair, or eye brow, or laswer eyebrow, or make-up to your eye below, you don't washing off....

You like to living alone by yourself. I told all the girls I know, because that is the story how it indicates, so I be honest. I am not encourage them here in Taiwan. They won't stay in Taipei that is what I mean to survival.


I have an inverted image "Heart Continent "= India

Your hand coming out = Shilanka ....

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