
You all deciding which licking boy bands? Those were in the 90s. It must be...something else Time? One person too?

European might just = gays never end.

I had this one psycho Seth, that is more than horrific to me.

In my bath tubes, someone told me its Shane. She wants to kill = her mother or my mother or him. Why is that? Its not Karen has another version Seth, and Hailey has a shorter version of Seth too? I personally met Karen's stuffs while she brings them all together, so I seen it. Its different 2 people. 

Some guys when they are impatience

They are horrific. 

You girls want to talk about the Sex or the Money (The guys singing too the Black in the Better Man)

I am aware, not I remember this video. I seen long time ago. 

Do you want to be open, what is an organsm to you, what is a kiss to you, what is a romance to you, what is a responsibility to you. What is the happiness not depend thy others, but you yourself. With or without your parents becoming the middle man?

Saving a cost, to make a future? Its you buy the things you wish, or you all decide to have a kid, then ending up education them, or saving the heator money, buying them a better uniform? How stressful that is for a guy, or just no guys have a choice saying no?

You didn't really care about another person's existence. Not the girl, for sure hate the guys.

You are not healthy, that pain coming, no one understanding you, you miss works, you really really need all that Time Stop, Time Halt, Time just Stop the Pain. No one knows the secrets, remember?

You didn't really mean why the world requires a religion anymore. Its how convenience no one knows your inside or out. But to be honest, you are talking out loud very very often, in your eye sight, in your tone of voice, in your expression, its all seen by the people near you, around you, neighbor you, stranger on the road seeing you.

You are vowing NEVER improving your life, or you already mean it = Die.

You want to get on your way, in pain, its on the couch, heel high throwing up, "Hank, Water, Hank Tea, Hank bubble tea 4 blocks driving. Hank snack, Hank trash out, hank floor machine."

You just need to playing that voice to enchanting, as if...someone just maid you, you need that temporarily monthly off, but it comes in every single month. You know you cannot stand in the waitor's job for how long? 

Not the salesman's job like Car dealership?

Not the Friday restaurant, standing every what days off the works, in? Serving others or talking your tips more in America, not in Taiwan. 

You start to breathing this fear, never end. You never introspect, you are wrong from one to zillion, you are being wrong, you should be dead. And you know it too. You didn't need or wait the God descending telling you, go to hell with it. You feeling hellish all the time.

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