
There is one thing. It was the time back ....when they retreive to here.

Something they were moving at the Reef sea that southern city. South than that Second City.

That is one thing. The distribution of the resources

2. It will be We had 2 days ago those things coming back. They are not leaving.  My father, my uncle/debbit, and my mother. I always getting all these things by anyway.

3. Its at 7-11, lower height, its on the left side table. Some people's appearance needs to preserved on there too. (other than the first point)

4. The original world of Sariputra is his mother were the Top leadership. He just passing so often by. I don't think he was anything other than ... its his mother's land. That Cartoon original Top. Not really Sariputra. He travels. Usually her, but she has 2 friends from that past in 1800-1900. Its not very known to me that history when the Steel and Rail road started. How they got all line on the US map done, before AC implement per station per pole. And that becoming the whole world situation. All these are from the geography survery, every accessment reports to every province in China, Taiwan is a part of that Province.

Its equal a term in the America like State.

That situation was to sealing the land. That sealing so its a kind of the idea, you put a drawing on the patent, Tesla's patent has that part of the superstitious things in it. Not necessary saying we all patent nothing related to ghost. 

He alone has. 

I just don't know what he did at all.

5. The ghost film, my mother has watched nothing but that film world. I technically never really watching them. To that many gesture of the current movie, are very little I never going in that side of the worlds, for saying, why we tackle anything in it. 

But when I was in Canada, that house were on the Patent on that Tesla' one of the Transportation Apparatus. There is a forest, there is a river in there.

That patent was retrieve because Tesla has a belief, the day I left, because I was forced to leave, that patent is removed, and result something Connie was the ghost since that high school, and get to Erin hanging out some friends, whatever I don't know exactly things.

I cannot stay there.

If I say, or if I just open that patent, or I forget what happened, because it was a forceful situation, there is no way I can keep that patent if I leave, that situation never resolve. I don't even know what it means.

Because when you are saying that Harry Potter lightly mentioned the Spider in the forest.

There was a gay shooting clubs in Florida. There are this Hunger Game a circle of them. I don't even know how to say these things that time.

When you saying he used to have a quote. God give him strength to cut Earth in half, because sometimes the patent purpose its to hold things done, so you can have the industry to be on Top of it. It may not be what you are taught today. I don't have any patent.

I am just saying the original purpose, or something a while ago, might have that ingredient, and he Tesla has that somewhat incorperate, or if he really knew, or what....he alone knows that.

Sato is a name in the Red River Manga, was on this black and white documentary. Its in his notes. Its a arrangement of the lines. She looks very ghosty to me. Like...the Home Alone movie when I was little, I remember that movie that time. There is a basement scene, you just turn away I think. One of those.

I probably just freak out that time. 

Anna bella has one movie that is 7 doll with the middle as the biggest. I did watch that movie, it was sort in that 5 Lords Reviews. But what I told you all about this Tesla things, it was that the Industralists cannot exist, unless this Earth ground soil does not crumble, every 5 mins, of the plants or trees just unplug themselves and the water river flows does not stay station in the gravity itself.

For that, there is a within System, called Closure system.

Although that Conan Detective are the murder crime. The year 2016, I did make the video, I don't know if I upload, I was in Santa Cruise. I found out in the car. 

This closure system its a century or the thousands years you will never be open system.

You cannot or something, or something. The mankind there is no way knowing that. But I cannot possibly find out. The original purpose has a settlement. It was fired away by the high tech, at those piers the monent got found out. It might be Tesla related.

You cannot have a planet floating. That is why you have the patent. Including when I say the ghost, or those ghost film, I never open it. I probably don't even know what it is.

Maybe I re-phrase more like...

Here is the Earth, there are the maps, and accessment reports, and to this per line and grid you can have any human doing the normal 9-5 jobs, or if you seeing this UB Capen the second floor. Every time that Rockefeller + 2 steel King or what....before AC putting a pole with the telephone later add on.

You are doing this per survey land first.

Then, accessment like you putting all the traffic light per intersection. Then you input the manpower for the underground ice freezing pipe, or the annual road repair, or mix, to those concrete often sunk it, or broken. 

etc etc...the entire town, city, or far distance related any household, you all seem to agree, that is the way how it is done.

We go by law, we go by human resources, we go by the protocol, we go by the plans, we go by line by line written format, those never failed, becasue those laws and per degree settelment or the physical done, or doing = its just a job.

You cannot have any of those jobs if the Earth is not tie, or floating, or the water, or the gravity to mel-function, or what anything else we imagine its floating at, the concrete road broken lava every 5 mins? No one can breath just by the smoke coming out of it. 

I never discuss the ghost, not because I don't want to. The definition of the industrialist I used to give them 8 ancient letter words to practice


So technically the defensing line the pure human power if someone coming down the mountain, they starting at the paper jobs = the educational level examination K1 to K12. If their brain are equip to that.

There is one guy in the sunshine after Tim Cook.

His name is 天啟 he looks like Keanu Reeves, but he is the Green looking mask guy. He is Chinese mix.

No, he is a green face like that movie.

Then there is an one Austin he used to be buddies together. 

I probably never EVER mentioned anything of the anything other than the paper works, but there are some other things. Those are not the exactly the paper works can handle anything.

There is a Conan Detective - Maze. Meaning by the road name, that is in our class high school, 25 class (we are the fix classmates, not moving around like America)

There are many night market. From here to 101, you have this one I gone to, and another one after that. You just keep walking.

In one of the boxes, there is a sword.

What is so important of those 25 class. Its made into our road name cross and lines here. Including those bus lines. Its line or cross, meaning horizontal or vertical. Jump down, jump up.

Crossroad in the Ancient Capital



My link is not working right now. It keeps broken down.

Another thing, I am watching that video. Its not really that sequence says, its if my brother is =  Elvis Presley. He wants that life back. The music, or the fame, or the money life.

Not really how the music at the last stand of the entire System Data written formats. He loves the music, and the everything associate with it.

I don't really doing things with the music, becasue my interests are not in that. Temporarily this are okay. I am not planning to change my System Records. I stay on the same science side. 

Meaning the university degree, and the entire life, I keep going on. Its not the material science, just the works are or the MLS. I don't really do for a living on the music. I don't breath on it, that is what I mean. Neither the ghost I am capable to breath on it. I don't do those I scared myself, so I can go to sleep at night. 

But I have the issues. The above things I told you.

No, my major was not the material science. No.

The material science, it means its per item, per object you design, and that goes to the patent, if the distribution happens, that is what you make of the money. Mostly its in the physics department. I don't really have that interests, because the schooling curriculum are heavily emphasize on the physics. I don't like the physics, not really.

The longevity if that trajectory happens, that doesn't mean I won't arrive there one day. 

That is what I mean, I rather to stay in my own system file right now. But my brother he is not happy. The reason why our family including Tina, never dwell on that music field, not because the talent issues. Its the look, or the voice.

Tina cannot sing.

Pang does not have the look.

And both didn't continue that resources, because its very very very expensive.

To my views, that is not worth at it, because the real classic worlds has more trained individual from those family background. We don't have the family background. They probably will never make it in any worlds of the music, I know that.

But both of them are not happy in anything right now. Not accountant, not the real jobs in whatever she did or he did. They probably prefer to be that useless if that Past records has that fan establish reasons. I don't think it works that way. But I tell you what those are on the TV.

I will be probably the one whom gone through that middle school examination. Tina gone through the high school. I just don't know how she got in at all.

You have to have an interests for doing THAT! They just mean they had some liking and related to me. That is not what I want them keep going on that. But Pang will insist or imagine that. True.

With Simon. 

Tina wants to be one of those 26. Its very very hurtful. yeah.


There is a wiki on a real scientific study, that is concerning to the Ghost studies. It was real. Its an English word, but I didn't write it down. Meaning its the scientific methods they define, and putting into a disciplinary, that is how we approach each definition. No, those definition were not from the patent, neither was anything Tesla mentioned. I say that. No one saying that.

I won't force you all to watch that.

I just telling you, there are 7 dolls in it. You don't intend to say what they look alike. 

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