
Again? The girls talking to a guy, or going to this new Second life, to the old guy, or young guy (your age)

You do not engage any conversation.

You do not talk to his family, friends, associate, not eye sight, not a word, not a communication.

You do not care what it is, other than your life money with him in it. One person, no more hope of another extra games, play, imagination, other than that one settlement.

You look at him talking, you listen, you observe, you are all native American speaking English world, you do not talk one word in front of anyone, other than alone with him. No one in that life other than you two. You do not sit there having a qurrel, that is not life, that is not you so lonely you need a chat. Your aim only on the money, and survive. Not 5 mins talking with the guys on the arguementive anything you imagine one second you break precept.

You have one million years time, until you learn that is how long you will never speak one word ever again, understand? 

That precept starting a life with him, never your happiness other than aiming on the money. That will be the only standard I given to you.

You do not think, you don't process negativity, looking down, judgemental, other than you taken any responsibility whether the human or mankind old, medium, same age, young, teens, kids.

You have the only interest to uplifting the humanity in any race, in any people, guys or girls, in their entire happy life, not one word saying one thing about anyone. Those are nothing to do with your goal making a life to success path.

You do not degrade your moral standard. That is what I mean.

You do not need any social life other than one him in front of you, really.

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