
Tina has this....everyone needs to ask her the greatest opinoin she has, and she will be standing in front of my chair, I am at her huge living space at the wall corner, mokie behind, to finish Simon's prototype.

She deliver a speech.

"You know why life needs to have a career?"

That time no one knows she is talking about herself.

My kitchen

Has a tray, like sometimes people have to lay down, they eat in their room? I eat in the living room on that CNN. Tea, pot, dish, small dish, utensil with a napkin.

I think you all have a tendency even your own tray, your own set, you will break them into pieces no matter what. Never talk about what Homeo trend ever ever ever be.

You alone living inside an affordable rental place all by yourself to raise this small tiny spider man every morning window those green pot, his were not the thorn ones, but yours will be. You know what the spider looks like?

American floor mat are more warm = fury.

Taiwan yesterday I am feeling not all well when my socks its not enough on the thin carpet, so so so so cold, so I put that fury more sandle probably its the rabbit hair pink. I can stablize. The foot to your throat, and the entire entertainment, the guys physical structure can tolerant better, for real. 

But it needs cared.

The Conversation begins with the Guy

Because my age were long gone after the University, whichever the guys are them, or whomever at my age bracket will asking you the girls, what is your relationship statues, ever got married, whom you are with, or you have the girlfriends, on your facebook, whom are they?

Meaning they know your age, whom near by you, or by what forces match maker, you end up where to be with whom around you. For the money reason, or for the appearance reason, or for what exactly every other reason, they saying to you, its for the sex reason probably most time like that.

You all girls, whichever I met...all too good to be true, I am telling you. The definition of righteous never failed !

The Back Glue guys don't mean your internal emotional outrageous behavior are stuck at your throat ready to come out

Roaring !!!!

Really...... does the Western world guys think that words sound strange, becasue that is a translation from the Chinese words, the man and the women relationship manual. I personally telling you, not that most girls will saying that.

I told you they are the famous stars, you can just make sure, you have nothing to do with them, because I have a career, and that Simon is....?! Totally different from that AC patent 1908 gf to GE = a formula I suppose to be? AC.

The Wind Turbine.

Where is the wind turbine.....

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