
We are not reading the same books?

The second part of the Luna Project. Your points of views. 

1) You really really need to proven that guy's points of view, it may not be Dennis. That looks like a blonde hair guy with the eye glasses.

I have to file a lawsuit in between. - Luna Project (Sailor Moon Book 11)

2) You want to get close to the guys, but most time, that guys you even know what they want, where they aim, where they consider the happy life means?

Words not to say

Kill your entire family 9 generation. Never cousin says, never my father, never my brother.....all disappear or they will kill them one of those days, entirely, not one words repeat second time his only command. 

Especially never "My Father" this or that. You don't have a career like him. We all know that. 

"Tomorrow I have to go out. You have a plan?"

==> "I haven't leave the house for 3 months, I need to get out tomorrow for something."

"That is a great Idea."

===> "That is what you say, or that is what you did?"

"oh ~ I am not sure. What is that?"

====> "You mean exactly you say that like you know it clearly, or you mean that is the end we finally it out?"

"I don't know. I have to ask my dad."

====> "Say that again, I hear everything. Can you explain to me exactly how you imagine those steps its you written this yourself. I read it last time, per line. I want you to explain to me from the first line to the end. In the overall, plain in English."

"What do they think we doing this, they really mean we are the sex partner, or that missionary were that how we deliver the baby jobs?"

====> "The church has many location, including the headquarter. We are at the buttom in case you didn't notice what you say out of your mouth. That is the entire efface someone's family like mine. And? What will be your next move, this time? Anymore?"

"I was thinking to put this artistic hard wood lamp, its sound more like the local Taiwan tradition."

=====> "One of the stupidest things in my life, its to keep the wall plain paint from the Home Depot that is not Honey Yellow, the bakery girl painter leaving a sweet words on the stair she steps on it with the eye glasses away from my faces."

"What do you think we should eat today?"

=====> "How long the bus or the road to walk, its going down the stair without the electrocity, we will be Getting the Mail, like Notcie- the Book business or the vendor in the business?"

"What do you think the singing lesson that the church people will do? " Lighten the mood conversation.

======> "There is a red bull, including many sweet sugar, refine, how your blood sugar just rising one tiny second, you have the rest of the other foods warm up in 5 mins."

"I was thinking to get this I Robot Amazon, did you look at it, you know which one to buy? "

=======> "The mechanical Alchol wipe + the dusty machines, its the church supplemental to the 3rd world country, its not on the UN map, unlimited, remember to open up your mouth and talk....those are necessarty, not the mel-nutrition everyone dies in the Hunger." 

"I was thinking my dad says we can go on the picnic with the church people."

====> " The birds occupying the alumnium bags I bought the 3 small porsalin dish from the City Shopper....that bag its to keep warm, those dishes are the picnic on the ground with a plastic mat on the floor. ....did I say that is in 3 plates, me and my mother. We live together without you. Did I say it becoming the birds's object, that entire cabin. You can just go on your own...really. My ex bf went to his ex wife no problem driving like 45 mins. How dreadful I ever becoming inside the car. "

"You don't think that is how she controls that Keanu Reeves with all around him, they accompany him or they allow her doing that?"

====> "He is an Asian pretending to be a British...."

"I was thinking my father did this amputation in his offices at the video...."

=====> "By the cheap way, or the cheat methods how I got on this far with him impaired his foot, I am pretty sure he does that one year, everyone done those things, showing exactly the TV means it."

"I don't really like those songs, but the melody is a great enchanting melancholy you don't think so ? I like those music."

=====> "I need to go to the hospital for my left ear,  its in the middle of the skin and the arm...these small tiny things. I hate these comic books how I end up in the bucket looking."

"You don't really think she will do all that ...like the TV, is that ilegal?"

======> "There is a reason how the church got separate by the Century ago, before the May Flower, those are none of your business. We are different tradition, just like the painted white wall. Its a shield of paint."

"I was also question over that topics, or suspect its not that simple."

=====> "I personally never thought about, until I seeing it. Its the algonithm they sending the things in so I seen it. Something with this Google I cannot see the first page everything like it used to be. Just first 5 video, and then....something else none related to this them at all."

"You ever talk this sex things over, how the partner swapping idea, that is what these the video says, not that our church never meant its white races only."

=====> "Its elderly included multiple...cleaning floors marriage certificate. My mother says."

"You ever imagine this they say the European - American be this my things are my things, and you go away stuffs?"

=====> "What it takes to be a man, its after it depends, how reflection goes, I have to ask my Dad. The last time his reply to this Eben things....already were the I cannot understand what he says."

"Do you think about these on your own girl bands? You did? What is your thoughts on that? The money or the sexual image they have? Are you sure the church allows that?"

======> "One of these how the tradition makes the faith binding thicker...its not the rules which of which as long as I don't have to pay with my money. I am so sick of it."

"You don't think on your side, or my side....we go to the court together, can I see your paper if you are planning to write for me, I don't really know how to write this for my own favor like if you have found your girls' band, or you are really gays?"

======> "I am pretty sure on the first to the last day, it was me never finishing writing the ambiquious English Native words, how it was written starting at.....Long long long time ago...."

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