
Westlife fallen off the stage.

Yeah you can take Dr. Christopher 3 capsule a day, those creme, or dew form, congjugated form looks yellowish, you screw it up and put it on the entire back.

Or so lazy, you opens those capistle mix some water, make it a paste form, on your back. As big as that. Yeah. I do that I laying it down all the time. You need something to cover your body not to get cold.

3 3 10 has those herbs looking. Its that herbs. 

The Pinterest I had those album, I got it the whole bags as the regular Herbalist get. Not the commerical fast pace products. Those are homeo idea. You need to sit it down, laying down, on the back. Someone talking to you, and cover that, you don't move for a while, until that paste form solidfy, it probably won't get off your body for a while, you walking around, you drinking more nice water, soup. Cool for sometimes.

Most people will think those are a strange idea.

I done that starting, may not be the most intuitive concept, because the schooling, or the classmate are all the synthetical pharmaceutical. But I like that kinds of forms a lot. Not just the reading, I go and make it. I used to have a boxes, that entire bags are all ln it.


The current pharmacy store that 生理食鹽水 also can be combine used it the out skin.

The internal, you all still look thin. It goes very quick how to replenishing the blood works.  You ever had those "comic book = 白衣羅曼史" someone sitting next by, you laying it down, and stay put, don't move, those kinds?

Yeah, that is the way you doing it.

The most homeo types of things. Hot pad, Hot towel. A bucket with the warm water to exchange every 30 mins, and you laying it down for one hour, change back and forth, sitting there talking to you.

That is the homeo.

I do those wasting life things in my life? ...well, the Chinese medicine has those too. To restore something, you are not reading that book? Because it is a line by line instruction. I was by myself, I got nothing else to do. Its per muscle strength you get your wind back. The eyes or my teeth. I show you already. I may not be successful the first day.

The homeopath methods.

The Past and the Modern (Explaination)

The reason in the past, they have more herbs or needles becasue there is no opening of the wound, you die by infection, the air has the germ, or the bacteria. They have no terms for doing that. So those creating methods to the doctors are known "No stain of the blood coming out." Chi idea, the ligament idea, the internal organs idea. 五臟六肺

My video here its these colorful people, one going down.

You feeling you rib hurting or? You can check your X-ray, Taipei here are so much cheaper than you guys. If the bone didn't get hurt, there is just your internal under that skin issues, meaning the blood vessel break, when you hit yourself at the ground.

Your blood is internal flowing, not external bleeding out, you have no infection from the skin outside exposure. 

But how do you gonna repair the internal situation? You cannot open it. 

So you take the herbs. You are thin, then that goes straight to the blood and taken to that places, where needed to be fix. How the herbs can work in the modern time, its 

1) Thin, not a lot of food or obstruction to that acidity you built up inside your blood stream. 

2) Your metabolism are still keep momentum, not in the fear you gonna die, or out of the breath.

3) Like those animal kingdom, if they are wounded, they don't eat. They recover faster.

For me, I have to drinks fluid down all the time.

Homeo means....what they used to do, or the American military saying to do, would be per household, or the per block having one women, that is in that herbalist methods, that was the middle age, Simon past 500 years ago those ideas. Because the infection in the real hospital, its none stop the doctor amputate, there is no way to stop the death, you enter the hostpial, you die.

Its the contamination of all the blood laying around there.  Because its known the day you enter the hospital, you will die there, You have these early herbalists ideas that goes to that every family household, you have the women harvest the herbs, its part of the cullinary herbs included. Not that much different looking as long as they are all the plants looking.

To that each and combination of the herbs, to that harvest season, then you have to cut it, dry it...like we do drying those small bush of oregano. It is an organic. You just water it.

For saying harvest the rest of the herbs, no. I am not that fanatic.

It can work, but most people today are overweight, to so magnifying effect. Their Medical Board only just wait til they stop breathing, and unlimited anti-biotic best.

Eating and overfat...the legal methods just keep taken the symthetical drugs. Stop the pain, stop the headache, they just refuse to stop eating. You don't have any other legal methods. The mouths is grow on people's face.

Synthetical means

No bio stuffs going into your blood stream, meaning no virus, or bacteria whatsoever attached to any DNA materials. The Synthetical Drugs means inflammatory. Pain relief, the headache relief. Nothing else are in that medicine formats.

You had an internal wound. No doctor telling you, you are infecious. 

Infecious mean spread person to person. That is your internal blood hitting break, similar to your knee or spread the ankle, you have the bruise, those. Same thing.

Yeah, you can use the modern drugs in it, to kill the bacteria a bit. Because your entire muscle to your blood stream, are all closing system.

When you saying closing, meaning nothing leaking inside each other. The blood substance its a semi-liquid, you have the infection ability by that blood alone. But technically you remember, when you bruise your knee or ankle, even you just leave yourself to die, there is nothing happened to you.

But you fallen so ....height up? Maybe you check the X-ray in case...your rib, are the bones. That is not the blood or the muscle. Its the stuck in the muscle, that is called the skeleton, or bones structure, you feeling hurting your bone hit your muscle, all around the blood all broken.

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