
Yeah, I did watching them online. That is ...Hank's their TV color - Front.

They putting a much bigger every side, can see them on the TV.

oh~ that is the song. I didn't recognize them that time, "If I Let You Go." Its the 西城男孩 !  I am so blacken all over every single year, how did I see anything.....at all. 

Yeah, you use Johnson baby oil at the throat, most time, and....Use your nose deep breath, don't let out from the mouth. When you give yourself quiet time 10 mins after or before. I am sure they teach them how to rest .....The girls are so bad, not as the guys. But the guys can get sick too. You touch your 20 fingers alcohol wipe or you can afford, those airplane warm towel, the neck, and 20 torsal ends. 

I used to be running that 2018-2020. As the girls, to deep breath, I have to hold my breast up. And doing a min or 2 mins outside my balcony, a lot better too. You ever read how that guy Strike by the Lightening? You just per second breath your life, until you make it back to health and be alive. There is no other way. He got the thunder strike 3 times, paralyse.

Now I got a lot better City life, I can go to the local pharmacy store, any time I want.

There are medicine, I just swallow. You see, if the virus gets to the throat, you really don't care about getting the sick were the entire body pain, but at the throat are the most painful response center.

Virus will make your entire body temperature higher, pain, sore.

Right now its the seasonal flu...every winter. They just didn't tell you that. What the vaccine science is this ....once you have these vaccination, practically speaking even including getting the COVID 19 those patients, this is the things, how the last 100 years the invention of the every vaccine, has a reason you starting at your children year. You never thought anymore as you grew up, you never imagine those pandemic 50 years ago.

Therefore, although that infection its affecting the lung, if you care about your body. Somewhat you should just will your life back again, one of those belief.

The mind thinking, the body thinking.

Per min you getting your body up...I lay the 5 lords Reviews, just Seth? I don't even know he was there.  So painful my tear coming out of my eyes. Imagine someone never had a tear, to even dropping a glittering line on my body. That is humiliating....

That Babaji just pushing so hard the force, or shatter me on the wall. If I don't watch myself, they all girls just meant it = try to die, and see if you will really be dead. 

You hold on life until you make it no matter what.  Its per breath, per min, per second, per light, per outdoor, per counting time. If I am blind, its per day, per second, per min, I wait til that one life 100 years only human body decay and die. 

oh ~those not what you set up your life for. How to live, not how to dying and dragging everyone down all together.

1. Dry the entire sweat, not one dew on your everywhere, hair, face, neck. Don't blow the wind to your body. 

2. Deep breath through your stomach, straight up your back, pulling your two shoulder end back back back,

3. when you ready, you open your door, nose outside those cold air, straight up your back, your head including up, raise a little upper. Breathing 1 mins, 2 mins....stays there 5 mins. Come back in. See if you feeling a lot better, close your eyes, keep breathing more warmer air. Wherever that is. 

Deep breathing mean you breathing so hard, to hurt your lungs.

Cayce has this slow motion you had your head right touch 3 times, left touch 3 times. But you breathing slowing doing that. Re-putting all this chi in with the fresh air. 

If you feeling anything the throat funny, immediate, taken any medicine, not to starting that throat. You just drink a lot of water with some food mix that medicine.

Regularly you need the vitamin C. Its a water dissolving vitamin, meaning they coming out of your body. It won't be too much, the way you all jumping around as the guy's world. You staying outside in the wind often, the birds...any of them, if outdoor, its vitamin C and L-lysine keep taken.

The modern Synthetical medicine are anti-inflammantory. The worsen are the winter cold, when you getting older too. Nick used to be very very very very sensitive to the cold, he always wish to go to the South, warmer weather. I think it really really bad for the elderly. Seriously.

As a girl, I need to just soak in the water. You all have people watching you, so you can doing that.

My bird wake me up, or I just open half door, the bathroom main door, or the bath tube. But Taiwan is sos o so sos so sos so much warmer. If your entire big bathroom its cold hair, not the heating included, those weather condition, you just keep shrinkinig in.

For me as a girl, my periods are just per monthly. I staying this winter 4 limbs colds are normal. The bathing for me its a norm thing. It will immediately balance out my entire body temperature. The guys don't have any any any any any of any issue, so I am not the best person to tell you. Because the guys get too warm or hot in the temperature.

Girls if the wind too cold, and just expose too long, they get headache. 

I cannot advise you anything on that. 

Don't talk for the rest of the night, until tomorrow.

Eat just moderate. The digestion forces spent on your food, or to your immune system. You want to eat a lot, next passing 2 days, when your body more balance all this turmoil. Up and down.

For the women

I need to be inside the bath tubes, for any just "waking up", feeling better. For the guys might be just over done - way too warm or hot, you need the door open, you cannot take it. The women's body, are those breathing invovled. For saying you know what is the Artery, veins, and smaller 微血管

Now, I might need the 1 hour or 2 hours staying in the warm / hot water. The guys you cannot cannot cannot do that. Its way too much temperature.

Girls are not like that. If the weather just turn cold, no matter what fasting the mode I had, I always getting this 4 limb ending torso very very cold.

Let's say if I describe to you.

2 picture, one me, one you.

1) I almost dead to jump in the bathing water, entire body, for my blood vessel be in it. 

2) you guys might just sitting half body still up, the chest up, you don't know why you even staying in there, looking straight.

I am feeling dying, and you cannot figure it out why you sitting in there.

I use the alcohol wipe for every facet opening, touch light swtich, elevator outside, or my card key, the door knob. When I living with the Marley, that is what I did. Every single day, its the Vinegar wipe, to every common share touching my hands ending 4 limbs torso = 20 fingers end.


You won't know what =one coldness you entire being shrinking in.


Way too sensitive, exactly up. There will be a lot of things I don't know about that to be on the guys. Because..its very different.

The girls are entirely, this teeth fix, to that nose cannot breath deep enough. They never paying attention to where their nose are, and they eat food, keep talking way too much. Chinese slang will tell you the sickness coming in the mouth. They eat oil, fried, or something in one shot, and don't bite it smaller or grind size. That is bad. Your digestion will scatter the life force to burden the body toooooo much burden. 

So you saying the guys jumping all around, your entire lymph system and you never had that kidney much saying per monthly upset from the liver hermone response = Did I say the girls eating soy WAY WAY WAY too much on the estrogen. The processed soy products. There is every grant dust I saying it for.

The guys most known disease are the colon, correct. You eating too many meat. Those need those rice wine, or some kind of the cooking wine, very very per degree skin, cut thin, to soak it that alcohol for burning fire skill, to really get the per degree meat cooked. Those are very very very dirty. I need to swallow a medicine, for those chicken drum, not fried. Soy sauce based.

The guys you fix your teeth you won't remember before, so you open your mouth smile as big, now breath. That is the nose you don't use to breath deeper. The girls are worsen in every degree of it.

They don't go slave themselve 1) save money, 2) money require the math 3) keep angry, agitate, and slumber their back inside where, to phone, 2 knees bending in, 4) The entire system in this cold Earth weather.

Its every disadvantage the girls are way way way way too low percentage on anything "act up."

The guys has 2 arms, you hold on your waist. Now, you dress up the shirt to do this. how do you front to back your waist, your palm.

Then going up to your ribs. Now you have the muscle, to that ribs you touch somewhat tiny hurting to massage.

Both side together. As far as your hands can go up, and coming back down.

Maybe someone behind, pat your entire system a little bit.  Not hard.  Kinda of like that Massage chair they did.

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