
You all girls

Don't want the guys to eat happy

Don't want them to come home be happy unless that day you are fine and happy, not in pain.

Don't want them to have food home, you mean...its outside.

Don't want them to imagine a future a better life with you in mind, if you just let him go.

Don't wish them well, if someone gives them gifts, like his parents, or his fan clubs.

Don't wish them eating better, having some friends wish him better, or anything better wishing well the future to be.

You technically, I tell you, from the first day he enter your space, you wish him suffer every degree in front of you miserable, you feeling so happy so happy he needs you, that he is so desparate in life, "oh~ I didn't know that so sad."

To me, you all girls are nothing but 1000% psycho. You wish to be with the girls, I am already telling you, and even I go far to help you to finding your guys. You are the type of the girls no one like, not to see, not on date, not on eating date, not on social fun dates. You are a disaster inside outside, everywhere. 

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