
You don't know what you suppose to imagine, or what you suppose to deliver, or whwat you suppose to thoughtful why, or how, or even inside your own very life?

I can tell EVERYONE, including them, any kind of the guys, where my situation is. You never have that situation. You sure every guys you imagine inside your brain NEVER had a Home Owner all this details very trivial things including the Tax season, the yearly did this and that? 

I am the New Generation human, I might be able to help my mother better just showing up there beside her? 

🥭 You never done this, or you always imagine that is not a real life, at all because you living in the rental space for too long times, and will continue?

🥭 Every family doesn't come without a background. I never say I had a background until now, per yearly where I end up......Home.

🥭 You don't care about the paint, you don't care about the Home Depot (特力屋), you don't care about the lamp, you don't care about the tool, you don't care about the house decoration. They are open brand new store several years ago, still existing right in front of my eyes, I looking it down every morning I breath air and the sun? 

🥭 You don't have a certain things once your economic burden lesson, or...I didn't accumulate debts on the commodity including the food indulgence or the student loan to doubt my future saying gamble the way see how smart my IQ really is....

🥭 You are not talking their language, whether you considering your age bracket, or you copy paste the borrowing ability mindfulness included.

🥭 Things putting in front of the newspaper, just a piece of the newspaper, it was 10 years ago the same thing, it is the same things 10 years later. The same house, someone living in it.

🥭 Let's say my house around here we have to go by the elevator, we have some trash service including the grocery options for my mother. I asking all around. I check every vendor, I am telling you, I walking very far. Meaning your talking skills its trying to considerate, so you compare pricing, you doing the decent things, like I was with nick since I was 23. I will ask....those are not a thing in life to me. But for you, might be the biggest things in life at all.

🥭 I am trying to inject what your real sense how you wishing to take some parts of their life. You could just take part to your own parent's house to start, or your church service, whichever required, because those are safer, in your own community, your own mentality, your religion belief, or I have no idea what you all do, sound....so out of everything else that Mormom saying.

🥭 You have to realize why a guy + a girl, that is a basic home definition will always built upon a house stand on the ground. That 2 people living in it to stare at each other, that is what you want, but that is everything you rejecting so far. Not their career heighten, not their money you jealous getting better. Not your life has no direction its everyone else on the facebook all having a direction.

🥭 If you continue to consume this hellish fire = jealousy, immaturity, envy what they got its what they have, or whichever those garbage mentality, you don't get jealous over me, you get jealous over the guys what they have. Your stupidity getting the every direction wrongful every degree of it. You are so out of your mind.

🥭 Me and my mother doesn't eat a lot. So we eating soup, but my brother the new generation they take out all this ASMR sauces, it needs to process in the kitchen, when they are just like you, they eat, they left the Table. All this washing or waiting at the sink to seeing those water running will take forever.

You learn your house well, I will tell you, you forever don't want to see anymore human face, no matter what. Not one human I ever want to see at all. You imagine you really care about it.

That is not true. 



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