
The Home owner, meaning people purchase one property at a time.

Same in America, same in Taiwan. That you imagine a lot of options from the people to starting from which the career salary to ending up a house, built up, fix, annually take care. That entire package of being responsible. In America, everything its very very expensive.

I don't actually know what do they say, they are circus, or they are by contract, so the most money ends at you all hate Simon Cowell. That is not very nice, where he will end up like you all mean it.

But let's say people like the average starting to build a career, so one house at the time, to rent, to keep, to constantly saving that overall financial gain. oh ~ I hear that, not just I knowing that. And they might extent to have another business. That is what the Toronto Center some people do. But many immigrant working in the factory.

The Material Science Department, often got suspend in the Fire Department or the Police Report, I already telling you all that. You can invent as many as much stuffs, as long as you don't publish the data or the mass distribution, that will be the only methods you staying in the Police, making a name out of yourself. Normally its the Fire Department and Police Department.

So normally people starting like nothing, its one house, then 2nd house. Most people starting on the mortgage included situation. You have to learn how to mop the floor, right now starting your own perfect room. You still live with those 40 years never throw away stuffs. 

Me already lost so many stuffs, in this rate, if one day that house cannot keep your junks, you gonna be rip apart? Seriously?

I used to read something funny on the airing dates

Meaning you sure they still the age where they say they are? Let's say they all having a family with the kids, you are having your own life.

For example, not any of you.

Just me me me + my mother. 

We both have to wipe the floor, trim the plants, change the light bulbs, when the construction workers came, I listen to what happened how we used to have the design, and every each morning these birds are so loud. Or I am teaching my brother a little bit.

Without any of ANY ANY guys, you saying its Irish, or England, or where is that 98 from, they are all American right? or UB my own too precious facebook how it ends up in the garbage dumpsters.

You need to keep that house clean, helping your mother, helping your brother. That wall, only she paints, I paint, she carried it back. You know where is the road to get to the paint shop?

All these location you mean how small tiny my entire street blocks I say? That will be your only choice other than the Taipei Station? Learn the things, learn it right, learn the reason why it ends up here. Because I know that.

In the house, there are tear and wear, so I constantly have to clean up that sink, or the facet, including the common share hand touch fridge, fridge inside, the freezer handle parts, the table all glasses inside my house.  Above the wood, there is a decent thickness of a glass.

These glass needs to be wipe out.

I have a weight scale share with my mother's foot? 

I have 2 kinds of the summer or the winter sandle, I have the sneaker, mirror, front door, the exit door, the floor outside my balcony, myself myself myself. Including the entire door frames, EVERY house has a superstitious, I can never say enough how many times I wipe with the alochol, synthetical. 

Not just I keep myself clean, I rather saying, right now I keep their environment clean. The settlement why you living here? I always staying home.

You want to debate these boy bands a meaning

You have to apply a meaning on them, for real. The basic things a home owner, not your parents pet you, you actually been through that. What if the electricity just spot off. You have go to the switch box. Or the water heater requiring a battery. Or something always require so many this turn facet we are the roof.

The handle of every door frames. To you, you don't....really care per objects why you always saying everything eeeeel. 

The corner of the kitchen, you never wipe, the alcohol wipe does wonder. The every corner of that very very dust. You wipe once, that will be completely clean, the next time, the second time, the third time. Its only my room really.

I actually wipe the door, like not all the time, the key lock, upper below, as if someone staring at it. Or some kinds of the metal frame, I make it shining. I do a lot of this gettiing up my butt works considering you just imagining how I am typing in my chair.

I did do everything else. My PC they stain the dust.

To really be in this situation where I have to do everything, I personally telling you, the every day its another year extension, I am too tired to get up imagine something else, for real. 

You seeing their Family gather, with the kids, and the wife

Why don't you looking at your own parents, personal space house. That tiny dust on my cabin, I have 2 cabin stack up, but, there is a junction is a surface will collect dusty. My hair brush is not dusty, but hair needs to just soak in the alcohol solution, if that I will .....at all.

In my mother's kitchen, not in my mother's yard....there are pots big, I dump the entire utensil to boil. That might be just every leisure things I prefer to do. Its my own house. With nick, I never be that elaborate. I am not too sure why we ending up at....a very country house, he only can afford. That time I never thought about anything else, you learn about the water, and everything else. Not that time. Not 2012.

If you keep your one room just so perfectly clean, and help your mother the living room, the floor, the kitchen. She only left up her own room, and her side of the TV space. One extra wipe, you don't get up, and bend, as if your blood pressure make you dizzy.

Let me guess...

Because its a long time I don't have anymore that problems anymore. I used to have. Not right now. I moving too much.

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