
You have a math, not every family born like Trumps

Your life were lonely. For some reason you have an internal urge to talk near by these any people that’s farmiliar to you even be scolding at, you feel the people exist. You left home to UB and you left the study no friends. You try to make the grades but no friends to one person talking to you, by height, by experience, by whatever this capitalism AMerica, you didn’t end up in the military height. 

You fear this, you fear that.

You hide this, you hide that. 

That reality is you self made so lonely. When the harsh time comes, you lost your direction in life. You wish that direction was given to you 20 years ago. Not now. The medical profession has to care, HAS TO CARE. You are born NEVER cared. Look at the mirror and listen to yourself. 

Your textbook has only certain pages amount. Your notebooks are toooooo ugly. You cannot read anything. Type it? Try to see when the brain can last after 40 this squares and lines. 7 days a week, you doing nothing to stay indoor, at least you keep your 4 limbs. 

A lot of guys HAVE TO jump around

So you care? You can just get one guy to care, every muscle tone !

Some meal preparation, some confident to install, to hope to feel about life, some knowledge to pass on, some information they always always have the guys networks. Just to stay the brain active passing the information will NEVER sounds too inept for mind idling chat on what? Perfume?

The muscle tone to care, it’s where they come from. The background, per muscle …you reading that textbook, you just reading it?

Do you know why people jumping all around ?

You are short short short legs doing what for the tall to look at it?  Why don’t you try to understand what the legs are used for? It’s to act up ! Not you are so so so lazy and dirty. 

That’s your freedom

That’s your routine

That’s the democracy made for.

That’s your freedom speech act up.

You can just live ugly, inept, lazy and dirty at home.

Prove it, how long you last this mentality. 

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