
⭐️⭐️๐ŸฅŸ You want to get a guy to be your lab partner or ้ญ”ๅ‹•็Ž‹ ice skating why needed a partner? I do not understand WHY just doing it !!๐Ÿฅ ⭐️⭐️

But these my facebook guys gone to these new worlds, new friends new happy life !! Can you just leave them alone, not they seeing 1000 people in life 20 years, you really only seeing me in the real person one semester to facebook none stop entry.

That’s NOT life! 

You don’t last long with any guys

Do you have a proud belief? Saliva washing 20 times it’s = tape water he is leaking at ! You don’t be with a guy, you don’t have to be that elaborate. You want to get rid of my pillows?

That’s a surface tissues contain the liquid, flows. The mouth gum. My room full of them starting 2015, you cared? 

You are not a tidy and lazy, very very very in-brain bound calculative when you are disable in the old age, how you bend to toe, you will scream at anyone to maid. Wishing someone does all things to make you lay down comfortably, not the whole room smelly. 

A home it’s where all the help pitch in, you learning that. You gratify you must learn that. You just need to, have to, becoming to, not every day mouth jobs if you can wine bar my road here every single night you would. 

You don’t get alone with the guys, you admit to that. Whichever that lawsuit supposes to set you free !!

You are very very very lazy ! Everything it’s a stressful because your entire life your height were? You never move degree. Not moved, never help in, never knew what sacrifice makes mean, because you can, you got a too perfect parents. They will die just to keep staring at your existence no matter what.

The diet doesn’t have to be a job, it’s a liking especially to a girl !!!!

Your system it’s on the pain response all the time !!!!! You keep staring at the photo to eat, if I knew you all girls better, you really really imagine a mansion and palace someone brings the food to you. If you continue to trench your reality like that, not one day. It’s every single day, you will be throw at the streets as soon as someone proven it from the TV, every day you believing it that dreams. This worlds will not have that kinds of system at all. 

You are upset

You want to escape that reality

You suddenly home no pressure

Staying in your perfect room 40 years, it’s your books, your 40 years clothing and collection junks.

Tell me when your parents sell the house and see how criminal behavior you will becoming !

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