
You know yesterday ....bathing time.

If what's the difference the organic chemistry and the organic farming....comparison saying.

My answer will slap that one of your face. You sure you want to ask?

"The way how you describe a process, or a subjects...such as the organic chemistry will have all the basic definition that apart from the most people know of the Water is known liquid forms. In chemistry there are division called solvent and solute dissovling in it. So in the Organic chemistry, its separate away from the other chemistry its that Its Organic Solute dissolving "yet to be found" organic solvent, Therefore the water cannot do. 

But if you want to describing a process such as the organic farming, that is normally injecting the Nitrogen concept. Organic Chemistry doesn't have that basic definition. Their basic basic idea are limited to C. H. O, that is carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

When you input a N in it, like nitrogen, it often is the bio-living parts, such as our DNA, RNA etc.

For that saying, ammonia like the pee results, its the idea how you saying you inject the nitrogen into the organic farming, to make that soil some kinds of the growth rate enclosed, meaning you know why you using a fertilizer for. That will be the easiest answer."

Maybe you should submit your rehearsal scripts....if I were you.

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