
You know, your parents might have a property, until that Tony and Carla smoking weed to destroy the entire house. That was nick's house.

To that standing, you don't mature your life in your entire behavior to realize what is important when they are alive and learn it....time is not unlimited. 

"Does this Ancient Chinese History 


The Ancient Chinese literacy (words or descriptions language)"


Do they hire people in China? They will have to know how to read the Traditional Chinese in order to do the above 2 jobs. Reading like us from Taiwan. If American Congress got told clearly we have the issue, like the climate change and the fresh water reason, they will process right, including the things I am saying here. You just go asking them lawfully, They understand the language first of all. 

"Is that Adam or Hailey learning methods?"

The way I seeing it on their video? I don't think so. Not even their material I haven't seen. Probalby its not.

Its called K.K 音標

What kinds of the jobs are in the Ancient Chinese / Ancient Chinese literacy, not the history?

You need to know the Ancient Chinese History next by it. They are the passing down the calligraphy art its one form of it.

In the Chinese ancient World, its known as the 4 Arts.


Zither, Go game, Calligraphy/ Books/ Writing, Painting/Impression kinds black and white. Mountain river kinds I guess. 

See this "Impression" 印象派中國

That word in English, I don't think that is what it means, but I tell you that is exactly the Chinese means it.

The American English means like copy someone's style in the voice. No, I mean the painting, the art.

The Application

See this comparison: https://kknews.cc/culture/2m6ezer.html

Remember this: https://youtu.be/aIgHoJ-XKMY

It will probably never die out, I am telling you, no matter how synehtical the world will becoming the Central Ideal.

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