
A lot of people's skins are very very very bad. On the face. Last time we talk about the skin tissue, how they transplant from the butt, that was my middle school says?

In the real Biology dogma, how many time I keep saying it why we are engineering the body for? Its hoping to create an organ, or not tissue....for saying it put on your skin face, arm, first degree burn. But you cannot. They usually use the butt skin. For saying the completely generate one piece of skin tissue, I don't even know how legal that is for a lot of imagination.

There is a God's theory too.

You don't really have a hobby in medicine, other than eating. Not in the brain, not in IQ, not in the hygenic, what to put inside your mouth, so you have a better skin issues. And theres massagist place from Asian, or someone whom at those works, often seen horrendous skin issues, poles issue. Horrendous look to me, not just the foot when you get really really really old. 

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