
The skin is a cover of your entire body. Its from your head skull begins, you didn't see any wound exposure, or else there will be a bacteria infection on the wound, including the male reproduction organ, that the women....its not.

But you see wetness down there. On the girls part.

Some guys down there are also very very dirty too. However, if they put some works down there, that is entire just a wrap up skin, over....I don't know how to describe that. They themselves know how to...uh...stretch cover? Like check it those type.

The girls, you have a pelvic below, at the V down to where the hair is different in the race, and then the smell, how long you never air dry down there, the urine, or the sweat, or the accumulation how they design the pad, that is not the period pad in Asia. Its for one of those urine next transparent things. I don't have that. Its a secretion yield stuffs.

Does the guy know every details how you are, you were, you will be?

oh ~ You didn't understand what I say last post, because the guys just FOREVER cannot understand how the skin wrap entire body, there is a bleed part every single month, you are a virgin saying?

You see?

You all so sure about your own attitude its everyone sees you, you are too perfect to be true.




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