
Do you want to tell me in advance before you are dead, whom are the successor to run down your....Indian 500 years old decree? If I talk to her one word? That kind of saying?

However long this 74 /75 /76, they are not going to quit on this Comet Math, on the calculation as far as I know of.

How my money coming from, by the way. All these behind things once you finding it out your VERy FIRST LIFE? Can you be more diligent to that glorious of the Past, from all this 194 country monitors, just wishing someone putting up that for you...clearly presenting to you, some details, that how you end up this Bible Ending?


This trailer just by itself looking fine with the lyrics! 

I used to have a page, I took it down.

Its all these Ancient Chinese or Musical Screen Frame right acrossing, whomever their name suppose to be, linked to the music song I sing.

A compilation. Do you mind to glue that piece of paper, what was the Past? Not the Present?


I need you to talk to your ENTIRE World Personel, whichever help you can get from.

Money, statues, power....to this one thing this ENTIRE 194 country stop producing the TV on how that Indian 500 years old living on the other side of veil....or that goblin, whichever they putting to this Lineage methods, for saying.

Stop keep seeing etiher Wallace, or ME or Sariputra will EVER EVER EVER show up inside the frames next by you, such as this clip EVER to be seeing BY them, BYTHE entire world. Because its very very humiliating on his Indian 500 years old FACES.

Got it?



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