
Every person on this planet will come to an age, that the medical, or the nursing, or the nurturing of the body must be taken cared of.

Every person. Be genuine about it. No matter whom that is, old or young. That supposes to be your religious nature very very deep rooted just like the history meant it. They teaching all that with the wisdom in it. 

When you reading any any any Comic Book

There are Stage, how sequence of this individual stories coming into the knowing. Not before. Its section by section. You cut those books in 10 pieces, imagine what brought out front to the back.

okay, how about this ....I skim through that book.

Do you seeing any guy if...if....to this next 40 years on, you still seeing one guy, has a hope? Like you endless going on a date? Yes or no?

When I asking you the post before. I say it very clear to you that decision will be your this One Life Time, a very very sure decision its You GIVEN Up the ALL guys scenario, nothing but your career. Or you mean its the guy or the girl any dating method including one weekend going out on the outting, those freedom life, you might cry the weekend next by or the 3 months later, one of those? I didn't say that is the One Life Time, you make up your mind, its your career or that?

You accept that kinds of life? Meaning you agree your duration to the guys its only 3 months anyway, you yourself cannot stand the guys forever? One of those saying, you have a job or a career? 

That is what I am asking you. Including the girls buddies. More close holding hands together.

As a girl, I say, be with your family mother or sister like you mean it. The Home owner, including all this you doing to your ex-mother-in-law included. Help them, not to enemy them. Because you really need those air all around you, your happy the most to help the community to the people like you. But you saying this Raising Up Helen Story over and over and over.

I don't want to talk about this anymore. I say that about thousand repeated things exactly the same identical never end. If you decide, write it down, add up all the math, that is what you wish to do, that will be your free will how you plan your life.  Don't bother with me what this or that. I really say enough. All of it. 


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