
Every weather climate are very very very cold. You need to patiently wait for the water. Cold or the warm, or hot water, to mix right, to rinse the entire pelvic area front or the back.

In Taiwan we never really have that serious temperature issue. You girls are the biggest things ever, that you just have to admit you and the guys are the physically built different things.

Don't get jealous over the guys, you will show on your face.

You mean you like the guys, but truly you aim him nothing good to say. You don't have to behave like that. You want the guy shut off you, every street you seeing one guy, and one day you find out, the entire blocks has not one guy even approaching you, not even if you trying to get near? You like that feeling, or you always knowing it that feeling?

So why don't you write it down per line, per weakness you have? 

You improve per lists per 3 months, per year, you done that 4 time rotation to get rid of the very very bad attitude you understand? Some guys did that in 5 years, they need that refresh so they can make it in life, and they really becoming the life icon.

A lot of people whom done those jobs, will tell you sometime, openly, they have to do this self-replenish works. 

You look the mirror yourself today, in one year, you calendar to that schedule, you see if that is what life about, not everyone else around you are about, at all.

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