
oh I see ...you are imagining things?

Between a girl and a guy ? Like...what is like having sex?  Meaning you never had a stable relationship or just was a face card issue? 

Do you ever touch yourself, not just cleaning yourself, you scoop your below any part?? Those are semi- your wall, dark blood, very sticky long....strand of...danging things? I don't have any of those anymore. Not even the regular period, no more of that. 

Okay....this is not you never have anything talk about, speak about, knowing about, so you were not taught, other than imagining and reading onlilne? You mean getting high?

Are you using the drugs?


You need to learn how to use that free American public toilet, about 20 pulling KY trailer teaching you those tissue how you using the bathroom. I did learn from that.  Some might have this high class end in Taiwan, you use 5 sheet those toilet sheet just stack on the toilet, and seat on it, in the emergency time. I never do that...but I had once did that.

Maybe 10 times, you pulling those public toilet....and do you know how to fold that into rectangle, nice looking to wipe your front, from the 6 olcock to 12 oclock, very in, uptoward your hair parts? 


You shake a bit gluey at the tip of your urine place, because everything stuck there. EVERYHING. The blood for some reason all sits there. Practiclaly 5 times tissue that thick, you fold it, and wipe again?

Do you wipe in the bathroom? 

In Chinese, we say poo = Number Big (Up Big Number) = you going to poo.

Do you wipe behind, if your butt itchy, you run home to kneel at your bathtubes, to that facet, you bent using your hand to touch below, and cleaning the entire poo out? You don't know what it is there?

You only have one way, its to water washing. And once you custom that, you NEVER NEVER be at the public places anymore. You wipe, but your butt will itchy all the time. You need to water wash. That wipe its not enough.

I stay home so much, I never care so much in the public anywhere, at all. I don't want to.

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