
๐Ÿ’– The Friend ?! ๐Ÿ’–

Right, you all walking out of your career? And whom is this Russ and Rachel?

I did all that in nick's house. There is nothing got distribute. You need a real professional jobs. Like the Dream Exchange Games. I have heard people working in the night shifts sorting mail in the mail offices. They have an exam, my eyes are too tiring doing that. My mother's friend. A girl did that.

You know today or yesterday my teeth hurt. I fix my teeth, and I drink this warm milk....it starting fuzz. Or anything local store, you starting those minimum wage? You cannot say your entire spending on what, you will need a job. Nick doesn't give me any money, he cannot spend enough money on his entire package before. 

I will tell you my personal feeling as the girl. I never get the feeling to go pushing the distribution. I got to where the store, the art festival, and seeing the same girl doing those carpentry. Its not I think I look wrong with all that. The waist line hurting you doing those furniture stuffs. 

... ...I also spent a lot of time trying to figure out the future. But I need to stay in the UB, or near by, or vicinity, where I can talk to the Professor in different department will sound like, I start something new on the research project. You mingle those professional, your Time and Space will sound like a reality, becasue...THEY made money.  I don't know if you understand me.

You need to stay on this, somewhat you get paid, and that coming in something, you know you are always realistic on the "money" first.

There is an ingredient, you need to keep putting that money first on sign. I personally don't know why I will choose to tell you that is how you go about. Meaning you spend 5 years no money coming in, just not right, especially you are the local American, you starting to work in your 17.

More like you connecting to....okay, you are writing to the court room, that is good. Is that on your blogger? You draft first, and then public display on the blog like I did?

Good, that is one thing you can feel a sense, if you extract some money. 

But what you gonna do those money are gone one day? You need a job. What kind of the jobs that can pay in life, for real? You are not going to take that options. As a girl, your options already don't have a lot of choices. 

(My soul pieces aren't coming out ....maybe I never going out of that 101. This is so tormenting.)

So that plot means, a guy's relationship? Can you find some guy, that is more secure, no matter what it sound like to you? You are arriving to an age, you cannot try again second try, the third try...and then you are what? Off the hook?

I need to go to sleep. oh my God.

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