
๐Ÿ’ The girls like you, for example, I don't even know your age bracket combine if including everyone else you saying you are the girly girls. ๐Ÿ’

You probably will be single most time, these girls, then you saying that talk.

"But i cannot possibly doing anything of those abbreviation because I have to be with a guy. I think that is the short way saying it. I just give an example to all those girls they hate each other, the correct format how they wish to live alone, one single bed, one single bathroom, one single cleaningness, they cannot stand it the guys. Including their wealth, the girls, when they accumulate enough the money making, and wish to continue something further in that field to competing with the guys in mind, the future. THE very FAR away FUTURE. My one time life here probably not going to do anything other than the current existing credential. I have other things to do, and most of these are everything to do with the guy's world already. Not just the guys himself." 

Chemistry, B.A (Not B.S, those are the labs)

Medicinal Chemistry (Minor, lacking one class, I thought it was the alchemist idea like Traditional Chinese Medicine)

MLS (Librarian Science and Informatic), the New York Public Librarian (not the science librarian lacking one class in science because most librarian's background I ask were the history or English. I did know what is the science. I miss out by talking to the Corperate librarian, the only intern Corperate its 30 mins drive North, very far. The electric Company starting 1900 that one.)

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